Marty -- How's the new store

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Hows the new flooring store coming along???

Inquiring minds want to know!!


Well, Jerry just floored me.
Four years ago we sold our flooring store in town. It was a small store that grew and grew into a monster business way too much to fast. There was carpet and vinyl and tiles, hardwood, every kind you can imagine. There were workers, 14 hour days, and a small fleet of vans and forklifts all that stuff, and we were under the gun and overwhelmed badly. Our secretary had stolen most of our money from our account, left the state and was never found, then on Christmas Eve someone broke into our storage and had stolen all of our industrial tools and equipment. It was time to retire and call it quits. Jerry semi-retired and just works out of the house installing hardwood and ceramic tile and I do all the paper work and run the business with the customers over the phone from here. Although I'm home, keeps me very busy.

We sold the thriving business to a man that come to find out, treated the customers poorly and the contractor's business that we just handed over to him on a platter. In two years, he got a bad reputation and just shut down and gave up.

This left the door wide open for Jerry to want to step back in and it's been bothering him ever since we said goodbye to our store.

Jerry missed the store and has just leased a store front in town. It's right across the street in a new strip center from where our former store was, so here we go again. I'm having to start setting it up next week and run the show room again. I guess I miss the people too. I always wore suits or dresses and felt like a human getting to talk to humans and help with their designs.I"m pretty good with that and lay outs. Sometimes dressing like a farm hag every day does get a little bit old too.

This time, Michael will be much more involved. He's very good with the business end and knows much about the products so he'll be tending the store after school and on weekends and days off, giving me some relief back home for other duties here on the home-front. After graduation, he'll probably be the manager full time. He's getting excited. I really think we all are.

It's very ironic. When we opened up our first store, it was the first week of December. I still have all the extra Christmas decorations from it. Now I know what to do with all these extra boxes of lights and ornaments. Does anyone else need ten boxes of icicle lights and four Santas? History is repeating itself.

This post has been edited by Marty: Nov 23 2005, 02:13 PM
Jerry's oldest son in Ohio was taken to the hospital and was near death causing us not to be able to pursue the store at this time. Jerry had not signed the lease that day as I thought and was waiting for me to come down and check it out first. Good thing because with things touch and go up north like they are, we can't devote any real time to this right now. Our family may suddenly expand so I can't do anything at the moment. We have it on the back burner for after the holidays and then we will see what happens then. Thanks for asking.
Oh Marty,

I'm so sorry to here about Jerry's son! Is he doing any better? I know you were looking forward to the store too.
Marty, I guess its time for me to add your family to my rapidly expanding prayer list. So sorry to hear about any bad news in any family. I seem to have lots of time for praying these days and its time well spent. If the store is what you want I hope it still works out for you. Regaards Vic
Oh Marty -- I am so very sorry to hear about Jerry's son - hope he is doing ok now.


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