Max is missing . . . please hope for his safety

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Aww I'm sooo sorry
I wish you the best of luck. And those pictures are just gorgeous, look like pictures that end up on cards or calendars or something. I can understand how you feel, a few years ago my cat disappeared and I have no idea what happened to her still.
Oh NO!!!! I wish I had been online earlier to see this! This brings back 4 horrible days with our lost puppy! He was so scared that he wouldn't come to people. This happened last April!

Go here to this link. Make the posters EXACTLY as they say and post them in locations that they tell you! This is how I got our puppy back. I knew where he bolted away from us and I put out 10 posters on all the busy street corners! I GOT HIM BACK WITHIN 24 HOURS after doing this!

Remember, Many eyes makes it easier to find him. And offering a reward without telling how much makes people want to return him!

Oh no, hoping and praying you soon find Max, alive and well. You must be just sick over this. Good Luck Jean!
Thank you, everyone, for all your thoughts and prayers. Max still hasn't been returned. Nila - thank you so much for your additional suggestions! All to no avail as of yet. If someone did dispose of him for bothering livestock, I just wish they would come forward and tell me. There is no way SOMEONE didn't see him and just aren't talking.

I have to fly to Portland, Oregon tomorrow. My friend, Teresa, who is an animal control officer here in Laramie, is going to babysit while I'm away. So I'm hoping someone will see her vehicle here and will tell HER something.

Thank you all again.


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