I gave Breezy hay this morning and later I noticed he wasnt eating it, he was laying down, I thought, hmmmmm that’s weird. So I said to myself, I’ll just keep an eye on him. The next thing I know he is outside laying down while everyone else was eating their hay, which is weird for him. He is such a little piggy, his nose is ALWAYS in the hay. Then he follows me into the barn, poops and lays down again and again. Ugggg….. so off we go for a walk. When we get back to the barn Thunder lays down, then gets up and lays down again! Is this really happening? Do I seriously have 2 horses colicing??! I put Breezy in the stall and Thunder in the barn aisle separated so I can monitor if either poop. A little later Breezy poops!! And is acting totally fine!! Woohoo!! So out he goes to the dry lot with the others and Thunder goes in the stall. Now I’m thinking Breezy just had an upset tummy and is fine, maybe Thunder has an upset tummy too? IDK, so I wait patiently for Thunder to poop which he finally does, woohoo! Ok, out he goes with everyone on the drylot. Later I look out my window and see he is laying down again. Back in the stall. He continues to lay down, get up, lay down, roll around, get up. Off to the vet we go…. Thunder pooped in the van on the way and was acting almost completely normal by the time we got there. Up the nose again, poor little guy!
I asked the vet if I could give him gas ex from the drug store and she didn’t want me doing that. But she did give me a prescription for gas ex for horses. She taught me how to give a horse a shot in the muscle. Yikes!! The only shot I have ever given was to my hubby and that was a shot of peanut butter whiskey!!

I also asked her about giving him prebiotics. She said that is a great idea, so I will be ordering those later tonight, thanks Marsha!
Breezy is completely fine, back to normal. Thunder is in his stall for the rest of the night and he is now acting completely fine. I haven’t changed a thing!! They get no grass right now. Vet said the colic might be due to the weather.