What a stark contrast McCain's service to our country and patriotism are to Obama's 20 years of with the racist, anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright as is personal spiritual and moral leader, and his friendship with former terrorist William Ayers. Obama's unwillingness to demonstrate respect for our flag. Obama's lack of pride for our Country...
McCain is what - 25 years older than Obama? He thus had had far more years of "service".
There was no disrespect for the flag - even the GOP knows that and has dropped it. I would provide the usual links to factcheck.org or snopes to PROVE that but I think that is a waste of time as some simply will not read them. They only want to know
their truth about some issues - not necessarily
the truth - but that is normal for many in this political sparring..
Both McCain and Obama have flip-flopped on issues... and with McCain caught out about his lobbyist and Fannie Mae connections - I guess many will just ignore it.
You shouldn't.
When Bill Ayers was with the Underground as a radical - Obama was a child - so I doubt that he was in there helping out. And decades later - if they were working towards the same goals in the community - "guilt by association" is nonsense. Is McCain guilty by association with a long list of people who might have done things in the past? No. The Ayers thing has been gone over ad nauseum for months - and now it is front and center again as it seems to be the pet project of one columnist... whatever. If some of McCain's connections throughout the past were examined with that same degree of scrutiny - I am sure that there would be issues there as well.
Rev. Wright. You know - I sat in chirch for 20 years and never became the person that minister thought I should be. Was Obama out there stumping for Rev. Wright? Never. Rhetoric does not a belief sytem make... but Rev. Wright has proven to be a lot more about grandstanding than spiritual issues. Have we ever heard Obama spout the same kind of nonsense that Rev. Wright resorted to in some of his over the top sermons? No. Nor would we. But Wright was likely not the best choice to note as being a spiritual advisor due to his affection for bombastic, incendiary rhetoric... so yeah - Obama shoud have disavowed him long ago IMO...
Fingers need to point BOTH ways... and that is what grieves me about the whole election process. Some get upset about Palin being trashed - and yet found it perfectly acceptable to treat Hillary the same - or worse.
Everything Obama/McCain says is perfect - and everything Obama/McCain says must be wrong or proof of something evil. It goes both ways.
For instance - OF COURSE whoever the next President is will have a tax increase... the huge deficit that the past 8 years has thrown us into needs to be dealt with... and yet I am sure that will be held up as an example of some politican's lies. That is a no-win situation for whoever inherits this mess... as is thw war in Iraq. No matter what they do - it will be seen as the wrong choice.
Politics needs to be more like Centered Riding. You need to look at things with "soft eyes" ... noting everything in the area that could be problematical or that you need to be aware of, taking it in and processing it... instead of "hard eyes".. only looking straight ahead and being unaware of what is happening in your surroundings and how such events may affect you.
Simplistic views, amybe - but what would be a refreshing change it would be if we examined all the issues and candidates with the same degree of intensity... and no one got a free pass or had things overlooked...
So I guess I am kind of like factcheck.org... and feel everyone should be scrutinized - by all of us. From all sides of every issue.
Np email fables... no rhetoric.... no partisan stretching of the facts... and commercials that stick to issues an solutions instead of personal attacks.
Yeah - I know I'm a dreamer...
John NcCain is right - even if it is a bit of showboating (DUH! - and yes I would say the same thing if Obama had said it first) - they should call off Friday's debate and get back to Washington to like.... do their jobs... in the face of the economic bailout.