Meadowbrook Carts! Does anyone use them for Show?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2013
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Goldendale, WA
I am looking at a couple of trained to drive mini's and in the deal come a like new Meadowbrook style show cart.(as stated by the owner) She did send me photos of the cart and it is nice looking. I have only been to one show and I never seen anyone using that type of cart. So do people use them to show or not. I have 2 easy entry and a Graham cart. I might want to show someday and thought this would be nice if it is the right type. I really think the ones I saw people showing in looked uncomfortable to me. So looking for opinions please.
Oh my! I don't think there is a more beautiful cart, than a nice Meadowbrook, and if I were competing in only CDE's and such, that is what I would have.

BUT, they are heavy and difficult to cart around, if you'll pardon the pun.
: Plus, they cannot be converted, and that means taking two carts intead of one, and if the footing is deep, they can be much harder for the horse to push along, therefore changing it's way and ease of going.

But, in your case, if it's thrown in with the deal, and the deal is a "steal"...I surely wouldn't turn one down.
Ok what please explain, what do you mean by converted?
: Can they be used in pleasure type mini classes? This seems to be one heck of a deal, everything mini they have and 2 well trained A/R geldings, 2 harnesses with mylar bits and all there other stuff. Just not sure about the cart, I told my husband I could sell the cart, I looked at the web site they bought it from and it sells for around $975. I go look on Sunday :aktion033:
: By convertable, I mean a cart that converts from a pleasure cart, to a roadster. If one is showing in roadster, or games, (AMHA, or open only) then it saves a lot of space to have one of these carts. I am sure you are right...should you ge the cart and not like it, or need it, you can easily sell it, I'm sure.
I have a wooden meadow brook cart, and I love it!!

Normally I use it for CDE's and Pleasure driving events and ADT's.

But I also showed my country pleasure horse with it at AMHR shows.

Because it was kind of unusual, I drag a lot of attention. Most people really liked that outfit.

With the Judges.... it is a different story. They love it or don't. Funny to get placed, like 2 first and second and the fourth judge didn't even place you. Well, that is horse show life.

If you like the cart, go for it and enjoy.

:aktion033: Thank you all for the info, I am going ot go and look at it all this weekend. They want $2000 for everything, including the 2 trained to drive geldings. SO I might have to sell one of my other carts and one horse. My husband said I don't need 4 driving horses. Oh what does he know :lol:
Buy the package! :aktion033: I'll take a look at those Myler bits if you don't want them...those are hard to find used and very expensive. Let's see, if the cart is $1,000 and the bits by themselves are worth $300, that's $700 for two horses, two harnesses, and "everything mini" that comes with them. Can't beat that! :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Where are you located?

If you have to sell a cart. I'm looking for an Easy Entry cart for a mini. Email me if your going to sell it. :saludando:
:aktion033: Well we will be off in the am to go see the horses and hopefully bring them home, they sound great and well taken care of. Just the family is getting into big horses. So I will keep my fingers crossed untill we get there and see if this is all for real. :new_shocked: Thanks for everyones advised to go for it.
:aktion033: We did it, we got home last night with 2 of the nicest little guys, ones sire is even a nation champ driving horse. They have been so well taken care of. We even meet 2 very awesome people. The stuff that came with them is so nice. The cart is gorgous :new_shocked: it has 2 sets of wheels, the wooden ones have never been used. The harnsess are in excellent shape, we are planning on keeping everything right know. But when we decide on what we need to let go, I will keep everyone updated. My cart shed is full with 4 carts in it know. Patty
Patty, you are gonna love it! I have a beautiful Meadowbrook that I got from Silver Penney Farm for Ally, and I think it will fit Justice (remember Babbit?) as well. And you do know of course that Washington and Oregon have a LOT of CDE action, right???

Come join the fun!
Congrats on your new horses and cart. You'll love riding in the meadowbrook
: , much nicer ride than your easy entry carts. Sounds to me like you got one heck of a good deal! :aktion033:
Hi Amy, Nice to hear from you, I can't belive the deal we got, but I don't know a thing about CDE, but I think I am going to get very intersted. My Meadowbrook came from the same place as yours. Is that the only place to get them? I am so new at all this mini stuff. But I am sure having fun learning. How is Justice doing? I haven't heard anything on him for a long time. If you have time you could pm me about teh CDE's I keep hearing about them but have no idea what they are. Patty
I am selling a Meadowbrook cart. New, barely been used, Amish made. I don't have pics uploaded yet, but PM me for more info and pictures. $400 or best offer.
Patty, I didn't know you were in our area! Do a search on CDE's (combined driving events) in the archives here or go to Mini Horse CDE to learn more about it. It's basically like three day eventing with big horses, only driven. It has a long tradition and minis are just now being allowed into it, it's a ton of fun. You do a dressage test, then a 5-10km marathon with "hazards" which are obstacles you have to thread through in a certain order, then you do a cones or obstacle course with a maximum time you have to beat without knocking any of the tennis balls off the cones you are passing through. It's a real challenge to both horse and driver.

It sounds like you got a great deal on your new fellows and I'm so happy for you. Please post pictures when you can! We can help you fit your harness and evaluate all the stuff you got. Meadowbrook carts are very traditional for country turnouts (which does not mean country pleasure like in the breed shows, it means "not a formal turnout" like the kind with liveried grooms and lamps and such) and are available many places. I've heard good things about Silver Penny Farm carts like yours but haven't gotten to see one in person yet. I want their road cart!

Again, congratulations. Let me know where you're at, will you?

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