Just to be clear how the process works.. Proposals are brought up in there committee meetings.. there is short discussion on the issue usually 3 for and 3 against and the room votes.. HOWEVER that vote is not final. Later on the following day that proposal and how it was voted on by membership is brought up in the board meeting at that time.. the board will decide to vote it in- vote it out or table it for further discussion.
Often the vote goes how membership voted however not always as the BOD has to look at other things such as legal issues- implent issues- office software issues or whatever the case may be.
There could be 20 people in the room or 2000 people in the room during the committe discussions- that does not make the vote go one way or the other- The best way to ensure your voice is heard is to speak to directors be it your Areas or others as in the end they are the ones who make the decision based on their areas wants and needs and balance with what they feel will work best for the registry
I am sure alot of you already know that but for those who do not go to Convention and have watched the AMHA Convention I just wanted to be clear it does not work quite the same way
Often the vote goes how membership voted however not always as the BOD has to look at other things such as legal issues- implent issues- office software issues or whatever the case may be.
There could be 20 people in the room or 2000 people in the room during the committe discussions- that does not make the vote go one way or the other- The best way to ensure your voice is heard is to speak to directors be it your Areas or others as in the end they are the ones who make the decision based on their areas wants and needs and balance with what they feel will work best for the registry
I am sure alot of you already know that but for those who do not go to Convention and have watched the AMHA Convention I just wanted to be clear it does not work quite the same way
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