Reignmaker Miniatures
Well-Known Member
We have a new addition to our family. Sasha is a 15 weeks old rotti pup that we have had for just over a week now. We will have our work cut out for us turning her into a good canine citizen, she was bred by a 'backyard breeder' in the worst sense of the title. She has had no socialization with strangers or dogs outside her litter. No shots until we got her and no training at all. Unfortunately I think her litter mates are not destined to find a forever home anytime soon (I wish I could have taken them all
) and will probably end up at the pound/SPCA or worse. There were 9 in the litter and he (the breeder) sold 4 promptly at 8 - 10 weeks but then the buyers just dried up. He docked the tails (which is one thing he appears to have done well) at 2 days old but didn't bother to remove dew claws and since the pups all have large double dew claws on the back feet this is something that will now require surgery to accomplish. Anyway, enough complaining about him, let me tell you about our girl. She was understandably terrified when she came, had no experience with anything and was sick in his truck on her first ever ride. She had a complete panic attack when she was introduced to her new 'sister' my Boston terror terrier, Abby and shrieked like she was being murdered while loosing control of both her bladder and bowels. Poor baby found day one pretty traumatic. But she is a quick study this girl. She had never been on leash but by the end of day 2 walked with me like she'd been doing it for months, she was not house broken but after 2 accidents on day one has never done so again. I take her for many short rides in my vehicle and while I must still guide her in she is quite relaxed there now and has never again been sick. She already knows the commands 'sit' and 'go to your bed' and 'kennel up' and she comes when she hears her name, every time, not just occasionally... I swear she likes her name, answered to it almost instantly. Abby loves her, was very patient and kind when she was so afraid, kept her distance and kept downsizing her approach when Sasha was so clearly frightened by her. She started with barking and racing around her then went to barking and bouncing and eventually she stood back about 3 feet and bounced in place until the puppy raised a paw and tentatively reached out and smacked it down on the ground. Then Abby knew she was on the right track, she just kept coaxing until Sasha really started playing. There has been so much for her to learn, the cat (yikes, it scratches if you get to nosey) the chickens, the horses and oh yes, fans to cool the room and...and ...and... But she gets better and more confidant every day. Her first vet visit went well, she is healthy if a bit thin. Heart is clear and lungs, now she is wormed and spaying has been discussed and planned for. She was supposed to be my husbands dog and she does like him but it is me she has attached herself to. Sleeps at my feet while I sit at the computer and follows me all over while I do chores or house work. Sits outside the arena or round pen while I work horses and keeps a respectful distance when she follows as I lead them to and fro. She is quick to bark at strangers and will growl if pushed but we are working on that too and will be socializing her with anyone we can think of as soon as her shots are up to date. So if you have stuck with me this far, Thanks for reading, its nice to share. Any suggestions for socializing with people and dogs would be good, I am not concerned I can't turn her into the dog she should be but it never hurts to get ideas either.

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