Well-Known Member
I NEVER do this but I had major meltdown today. I love horses, I like MOST of my clients but I HATE when stupid owners [^$#$%% instructors no less], can't tell when their flippin horse is being a total butt head. MY job is NOT to train your horse to stand and behave MY job is to trim the darn horse without being beat to a pulp. Yes, the horse LOOKS like it is the picture of cooperation but most owners can't read how you are being pulverized into the ground. The really sad part is my 10 year old daughter can tell better than most of the clients. Thats because she KNOWS how to handle horses and knows how to read their body language pretty sad eh? Anyway after the third horse in a row like this I threw my tools on the floor and said "I'm DONE". I went home. I left because it's not worth me getting hurt or the horse getting hurt. Thanks for listening. Linda