I usually drive my little horse in the parades, but decided to take my 1946 MM RTU this year. My dog rode in the little trailer, made by my son several years ago.
Our local antique tractor club faded away a few years ago and I don't get much chance to play with it. I wish I had been able to get a picture of the WW I caisson, drawn by horses. The soldiers were in WW I uniforms. Being IN the parade doesn't give much chance to see it.
My sister and another driver did drive their little horses.
One equestrian group looked really good, white shirts and black ties with black chaps.
The event is organized by General Tommy Franks. Everyone entering must have a patriotic theme.
Lots of other things going on, such as an art show, quilt show, and concerts.

Our local antique tractor club faded away a few years ago and I don't get much chance to play with it. I wish I had been able to get a picture of the WW I caisson, drawn by horses. The soldiers were in WW I uniforms. Being IN the parade doesn't give much chance to see it.
My sister and another driver did drive their little horses.
One equestrian group looked really good, white shirts and black ties with black chaps.
The event is organized by General Tommy Franks. Everyone entering must have a patriotic theme.
Lots of other things going on, such as an art show, quilt show, and concerts.