Midwest folks

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Only suppose to get 8" in mid-michigan, but as Maxine said the real problem will be the 1/2" of ice that is suppose to fall on top of it...they are expecting lots of power loses and downed trees...I have to go to work tomorrow morning...yaafun!
Minx, we're close to Lake Michigan. When the snow fairy was all done with us ..she left us with about 8-10"s of heavy snow. We didnt get the ice like alot of people did, no power outages either. 45 minutes south of us, (Green Bay) got some nasty sleet yesterday. My SIL just got back from Saginaw, Mi yesterday, and said it was horrible driving back.
it pooped out on us...we got about 5 inches, but at my work (60 miles South), they only got about 2...then it was more rain than ice..there was some ice, but mostly rain...now it has been raining all day...what a mess outside! I hate winter!
Could someone pleeeeeeeeease send some of that cold south. I am actually tired of this weather. We still have the windows and doors open. I want cold for December!!! Dont send snow but just send cold.
Could someone pleeeeeeeeease send some of that cold south. I am actually tired of this weather. We still have the windows and doors open. I want cold for December!!! Dont send snow but just send cold.
ahh, but if it's gonna be cold and no leaves on the trees...like here...you want snow...at least it looks better!

This hovering around the freezing mark...30deg and rain is disgusting beyond belief...I'd rather have snow than this crap!

What I would really like is it to be above 80deg until Nov.20th...then get cold, some snow...ya know for the holidays...then January 2nd I want it to be at least 80 again...is there anywhere that has THAT climate? If there is...sign me up!

I actually do like the change in seasons...but winter is just too long here and fall is only like a week! Summer is really only like 3 1/2 months here!
Ok I'll take a little snow too.

After growing up in Wisconsin for over 30 years I kind of miss the snow around Christmas time.

It's kind of hard to get in the Christmas mood when its 70 out and everybody is running around in T-shirts. I use to love watching it snow, a big ole fire going in the fireplace, hot chocolate and being curled up on the couch under my favorite blanket.
Hey, Denise....I'll send you some of my cold if you'll send me some of your warmth!!! No snow here yet, but cold & rainy. YUCK!!!
I will take some snow. Any of you can come stay with me but bring your own water.....

I like cold weather too, better than hot and humid.
I just saw on the news where in Wisconsin, due to the bad weather/roads, a horse trailer carrying I think it was 6 horses, flipped over, injuring all the horses on board, some critically.
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Wow guys, a real variety of weather eh? We we got up to 12" snow here at our place, no idea what they got in town..we were snowed in all day as Carls old 1952 Allis Chalmers tractor he restored wouldn't start. After 4 hrs of work and a new coil, he got it going. So we'll see Tues when i go to dentist.

By the way gang, it's snowing here again tonight, big flakes! Here's a bad picture of Carl plowing early evening.

But we do love it, if it just didn't last SO long and we weren't SO isolated



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Mona, That accident happened in Eau Claire County,Saturday night, one horse died and 2 are hurt, 6 survived, The horses were traveling from Washington state to kentucky. Ohh, those poor horses, the roads were horrible yesterday. Sonya, when you find that perfect climate
could you let me know?? I would love to have nice cool fall weather, you know, just perfect not to hot or to cold, and NO humidity from Jan.1 to Dec 20th, then from Dec. 20 th to Dec 31 have it cold enough for snow, and lots of it, for christmas, but then melt fast and be back to fall weather.
Temps are in the upper 20's today, and might of even hit the low 30's, not to bad out. Corinne
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Mona, That accident happened in Eau Claire County,Saturday night, one horse died and 2 are hurt, 6 survived, The horses were traveling from Washington state to kentucky. Ohh, those poor horses, the roads were horrible yesterday.

Sorry, they either never said, or I missed it. It was actually on the Winnipeg, Manitoba news this evening around suppertime. They were just saying about all the snow and bad weather we were having is not only here, but in the US too, then they mentioned the Wisconsin horse trailer accident and showed one big chestnut horse bopping it's head all around.
Could someone pleeeeeeeeease send some of that cold south. I am actually tired of this weather. We still have the windows and doors open. I want cold for December!!! Dont send snow but just send cold.

Oh my!! Did I read your post right? Let me feel your forehead....do you feel ok? LOL
Spent most of my life in snow and cold. If I want to see snow I can put on the weather channel or there are lots of live cams to watch. Don't need to see it in person. By the way it was 80 today and at this time it is 74. Come on down!
It was like 20 yesterday morning...32 last night...50's today...but a TON of rain...even thundred real loud made the floor vibrate!!! If this had been was snow...we'd be snowed in for sure!
LOL Corinne, I guess I quoted you as you were changing your message and now I see you mentioned you found out more about the accident. I was making supper at the time and just caught a bit. That is too bad about those horses.
You guys need to come and live where I live! (Australia) Not too many parts of Australia get snowed in like that, and I'm very happy about that! I spent some time in Canada with my Canadian husband during a winter and I don't envy you guys one bit!

Beautiful sunny days here, even though it is raining today!
Those poor horses!

Driving in snow and sleet is so dangerous. When we had storms a one hour trip to work could take 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Thats why I only want a little bit for a short time.
Then after Christmas is over it can go away.
Mona...lol...I did change it, I emailed a friend who is with rescue, and she emailed me immediately and told me. They didnt have anything on our news about it, but Eau Claire is a few hours from where I live. Corinne
Boy did that suck. WE were moving in it, so much wets stuff. All our clothes were wet. THen I had to pound posts and get some dog fence up in it as well. I was ever happy when I got in the house that night. HOwever I did learn how to plow snow, and learn that they dont plow our road very often.

Unplowed road+ saturn car= alot of stuck times

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