I really had a fun weekend! :aktion033: Mingus was really well behaved and travelled with no trouble in the trailer. As you can see from the pictures he is in really good condition and it shows. He is of a different style than what you usually see at the shows. He looks more 'old school' to me, like he is a reduced 1950's singing cowboy's mount or something. I dunno. Hard to describe. :lol: He looks great with a saddle on him. We'll have to dig up that photo of him with sporting one (the saddle that is, LOL).
There were several horses there that I would have liked to take home with me. I was especially awestruck by a mostly white pinto mare with blue eyes. I think I am a sucker for blue eyes.
I was great meeting two new people from this board- Leia and Nancy; and seeing Liz, Mouse and her family again. Too bad we didn't get to meet Prince, huh Susanne? Susanne thinks Prince will be the perfect match for my SusieQ some day.
My little custom mini horse trailer was a hit, receiving quite a few compliments and inquiries. It tows nicely behind my Ford Aerostar which just has a V-6. I was thinking that if there was a trailer class at the show, I might have placed.
: But my little trailer was dwarfed by some of the rigs there. There were matching tractor-trailer fifth wheel rigs with trailers loaded with horses and many carts on top. Wow, some people REALLY take it seriously!
After the show I am pumped on learning to drive and training Lolly for that. It looks like so much fun. I don't think I'll try to compete at first. Those courses they lay out are waaay too hard.

I'd just love to go up to Astoria and drive on the beach!
Oh yeah, the headlights. People- please give Susanne some flak for buying an expensive halter while her van's headlights are all out of whack and only shine about 15 feet ahead of the vehicle. No kidding. It's scary. I had the unfortunate experience of driving it home from Astoria at night and it was a white knuckle experience. C'mon Susanne. Get those fixed! We're talking life safety here. :nono: :nono: :nono: