I will try and upload a video later, but recently in this past week my mini horse has been exhibiting rather abnormal things. Some of those things are walking with exaggeration of front limbs(For example, when walking he will pick his legs up high and very awkward in his back end aswell) and walks veryyyy slowly and abnormal. When he stand he will "point" with his front limbs, He will lean on you with his head or body, I have been giving banamine which has helped for short periods of time but not for long. Im worried about EPM or WNV, or some other disease that could mean certain death. He doesnt seem to have muscle loss yet or the usual droop of the side of the face or tongue as most horses do with neurological diseases. His legs are not warm or swollen or have any signs of founder or anything else with the hoof that I can see myself either. I'm truly stumped on what could be going on? Please help!