Mini shows in Maine

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Windham, Maine
We are finally getting close to having time to start showing our minis some. Looking for info on upcoming shows in Maine and New Hampshire. Date, time locations , class lists, entry info. We are planning to do mostly halter classes maybe driving next year.

Thanks Mark
Hi Mark.

There's the Highveiw show this Sunday at Acton Fairgrounds.

The 23rd there's a show in Barrington NH, NBarH.

The 31st there's Mousam show in Kennebunk.

Just starting showing, so I'm still scoping out shows.

Oh, and the Maine Miniature Club show in Oct.


thanks for the start on show info. Who or where do i get class list from and entry info.etc?

The show at Cumberland Fair is no problem and it should be listed in fair books this year.

Thanks Mark
10/01/2005: Maine Miniature Horse Show

Cumberland Fairgrounds, Blanchard Road, Cumberland, Maine

Open Show Miniature Horse Show held during Cumberland Fair. Classes include: halter;color classes, jumping.trail, costume and a wide variety of driving classes. We are also featuring Maines only futurity class for Miniatures.

Contact: Jen Flanigan tel: 207-829-2063
Ther is also an AMHA show this weekend in Topsfield MA at the fairgrounds, its right off 95. It's both days. Linda B PS Topsfield is only 1/2 an hour from the NH line.
There're actually quite a few. I can post a detailed list later, but heading out for one now. Highview in Acton is today, ASAM is next Sunday in Skowhegan, LOA in Canaan is the 31, WWF is the first Sat of Aug, there's the all mini in Cumberland and there're a couple other all mini shows too.
Springfield Fair in Springfield Maine also has mini classes on Labor Day weekend. Dont know all of the particulars but do know that it exists.
Ok here goes for some. ASAM in Skowhegan 7/24 (already a post entry and that costs 25$) Halter, driving, obstacles, jumping contact Pat Leclerc 207-353-2861 email

Lone Oak Arabians in Canaan 7/31 Halter, obstacles contact LOA 207-474-6032

Whistlin Willows Farm 8/7 halter, obstacles contact Anne Kozloff 207-839-3997 email

If you check out the website there are several events listed. I THINK most other than the hunter shows will have mini classes.

SSHC in Middleboro, MA 8/14 halter, driving, trail Show secretary Diane Perry 508-295-6636

Tiny Hooves Show 8/20 Anson, ME halter, driving, trail, jumping contact Brenda Pierce 207-737-5682

New England Pony Owners and Breeders Assoc. 8/27-8/28 Deerfield, NH halter, driving contact secretary Lurline Combs 603-627-8645

There are some other ones going on, but I haven't gotten my programs so I'm not sure of the dates/contact info. Hope this helps out any Mainers looking to get their horses out there!
The N bar H horse show is next Sat in Barrington N H. They offer 29 classes in halter, color,driving and gymkhana type classes. For more info contact D. Colby at
backwoodsnanny said:
Springfield Fair in Springfield Maine also has mini classes on Labor Day weekend.  Dont know all of the particulars but do know that it exists.

I haven't heard anything about them having mini classes..humm..i should call the show coordinator.. I have been thinking about taking my bunch up for in hand classes (doubt highly they would have any other classes eligible for them..when i talked to sue the coordinator last fall she said there was no more room or time for any more classes (i had asked about mini classes). i have been tempted to take my mini's to the draft horse show though..they have driving classes i guess.. i know they aren't technically "drafts" but heck.. the dictionary says the defination of "draft" is to "pull"..well mini's do that! lol. it should be fun competing against the big draft horses and ponies!

Will you be going?

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