Minis reluctant to play in turnout

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2022
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Hello everyone!
Winston and Aggie are settling in nicely in their new home, but I have noticed that they have no interest in running or playing while in turnout. They'll each have a couple rolls, and then spend the entirety of their turnout nibbling at twigs and dead leaves which I try to keep them away from. When we go for walks they frequently want to trot and go faster, but when they have open space they don't seem to care. I'm just trying to figure out ways to get them exercise when they're in turnout. For example, the first 2 days they were here they ran around like crazy, but now seem to try to eat dead things in turnout. Any recommendations to getting them to feel like running around?
Ehhh, mine are slackers too. They only play occasionally when they feel like it - or if it is snowing. They are happy and in good weight so I don't worry about it. You could lunge them at liberty if you are really concerned?
I remember when I worked at a stable in Moore Park Equestrian Centre (think inner city stable... zero paddocks for turnout) the horses would get 20 minutes in the arena for turnout each morning. Often it was my job to wonder from one side of the arena to the other with a whip to keep them all moving... it was sad because it gave them zero time for mutual grooming, but i guess they had to get moving or face being stabled all day with a lot of unreleased energy and stagnant blood in their legs. This is more anecdotal than real advice.
It sounds like their having fun wandering around and investigating. Can you jog with them when you go for walks if they have more energy then?
How old are they? How long have you had them now? How long is their turnout? My 3 little boys are young and they play pretty much ALL day long! It’s non stop over here! 🥳🥳 The summer heat does slow them down a little but not this time of year. As long as they have room to run, I think they are fine. They are probably getting more exercise by walking around the pasture than you think. Do you think they were running around like crazy horses in the beginning because it was a new place to them and they were a little nervous or maybe had more room and a new found freedom? Do you think they are a little nervous on your walks and that is why they want to go faster? They will get settled into their new routine in no time.

Could you teach them how to pull a cart, that would give them lots of exercise plus it is really fun!

Cute ponies in your avatar! 😍
It sounds like Winston and Aggie have become acquainted and feel safe enough to relax and smell the roses…or in this case, dirt, twigs, etc. ;)

My minis have an open paddock of about 1/2 acre off of the barn, with plenty of room to gambol. They are out all day, unless weather is wet, and rarely run around.

Perhaps because they are able to move at will, they get the movement needed to feel relaxed?

You mention walking with your two beautiful minis? Have you checked out the hiking/walking thread? You will see a variety of walking patterns from short walks to long hikes and everyone is welcome! I haven’t walked since October/November due to the winter conditions here but hope to be going again sometime in March. 🤞
There is no official start date and it is a great way to stay motivated and share with others!
Try running with them. Mine will run when I clap my hands over head and wave my arms, they will take off, most of the time. I run around with them. I leave them with a hug and scratch. When they aren't into it, Hershey will play ring around the juniper tree with me. No fun there. 😂

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