Cassie, my text messaging is blocked for now. I have too many phones I am paying for lol. I try to check here and Marewatchers, but the 'puter isn't in view at night, I watch Missy on a big television with another barn cam, and I try to peek frequently on a few other friends and mama's-in-waiting.
Missy wanted to stay in her stall today and this evening. Unusual, but then it was really cold and breezy with snowflakes here and there. I tell ya, those darn chickens were out again,and we were replacing light bulbs in their little waterers, and tucking all the others in. It was exhausting in this weather! Shoot, it warmed up and then two weeks of *get out the parka's and snow shovels* again! I have a brooder lamp in her stall with a 25 watt bulb going, I also have a red heat lamp just in case, leftover from chicks, but I wouldn't leave it without watching them constantly.
I need to face plant in the bed. Me 'n kitteh, hubby likes a full night sleep lol, so he is in the guest room. Hope (kitteh), had better not hog the pillow again. She is tiny, but once she becomes a disc, it is pretty permanent. I need sleep, hope someone has time to watch for awhile. Just ringy dingy me if Missy tries anything tonight. I really don't think she will.