Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

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I too checked during the night and nothing! My horrid cold has me a bit laid up and the medicine makes me sleep -- so didn't see the birth!


I don't see you out there playing -- so there better be some pictures soon!!
LOL, OMG, Dear Lord, Thank you Renee Thank you Renee Thank you!!!!! I actually stumbled over my boots, the cat ended up somewhere, don't know where, then I hit the darn door, ran out screaming Dan, Missy Foaled and as I ran out I heard lots of feet stomping and banging from his end lol. I can't quit crying and shaking. She is either a bay or sorrel tovero FILLY! I am not sure if that was a wisp of black in her teeny forelock will have to see. She looks to have brown eyes which is what I was hoping for. This Nevada climate is hard on blue eyed horses. Actually the color calculator's all said biggest percentage was a bay or sorrel tovero. She pooed 3 times, and drank good. Missy's udder is the same but she has a lot of colostrum.

Sneaky stinker!!! Sue called just as I was getting ready for sleep earlier, checked on Missy, nada, nuttin. Then I stayed up longer watching her, eating, sighing, eating. Went out twice more and just looked through the stall gate, nada, nuttin, just eating. FINALLY I actually fell asleep petting kitty on the bed watching Missy around 3:00am, nada, nuttin. When I got to the stall that baby was nickering real loud lol, announcing herself into the world!

My vet just called and said I was right, she bags up and foals in a flash and she picked the best warmest day of the week to foal lol. He is coming out to do a blood test in the morning unless I notice something. And he wants to look at the placenta cause mostly I told him the inner placental membrane has little long wart looking things on it? About 5, otherwise it looks healthy. Anyone ever see that? Okay, okay here she is, unless I was so bleary eyed I made a mistake, She has Masq's face, here is Missy's little filly:



Oh wow she is adorable
Becky I have never seen such a sneaky mare, I had her up full screen all night and she was no different than any other night. I looked at her eating then went outside to smoke, I can't have been more than 5 minutes cos it is cold and so I didn't hang around. I came in and sat down in front of her and thought "what is she doing"? She hadn't been down all night and It took me a second to work out which end was her head and then OMG there was something moving under her tail. PANICCCC

It took me a few attempts to dial the right number. Lol my hands were shaking.

I loved the way when I told you on the phone that Missy had foaled you replied "What!" I could just see you bolting upright. Lol

Beautiful Sorrey/Chestnut tobiano overo filly! OUTSTANDING!!

And as Mary said, hippomane -- perfectly normal! It's like a "sack" of debris collected during the pregnancy and thought to be deposits from the fetal urine and cells. Histologically, it appears to be a concentric deposition like a urinary calculi -- so no worries there!

She's simply beautiful. So do you remember how tired you were? Or are you enjoying the "moment" ?? She's beautiful!

Now don't forget to post her baby pictures in our album!! (I always say it, but very few remember to do it! Humph!)
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Congratulations, the wait it finally over. We still have two more. Thankfully, you didn't have the colt fairy, since so many colts are dropping this year. She is pretty. I would like to know how you got a tovero. Is the sire a overo?
Oh wow what a beautiful filly, many congratulations
Congratulations, the wait it finally over. We still have two more. Thankfully, you didn't have the colt fairy, since so many colts are dropping this year. She is pretty. I would like to know how you got a tovero. Is the sire a overo?
Obviously carrying overo -- look at that gorgeous face he has! Looks like some Sabino in there too!

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Oh my! I can't believe that much white came out of those two either! Congratulations! I'm so glad that it went smoothly!
Well she is SORREL, has a chest shield so cute, its a line across, a spot on the bottom of her neck. She has BLUE eyes! she is 24 " tall or very close. But expected with her being overdue or Missy's type of duedate lol. Her hooves a really long, but we will file them tomorrow after she is outside and wears those golden slippers off, so she can walk upright. Very straight legs, and she is so sweet! Just calm and sweet! I had to force myself outta there to let them get some bonding and rest again.

Masq is a Bay Sabino Splash and Missy is a Bay Sabino Tobiano, this baby looks to be sorrel splash sabino tobiano or medicine hat tovero. The color calculator had given a high percentage for sorrel or bay tovero so I expected it. She has such a dishy face, little spots on those pink lips, and her whole head is Masq lol!

I know Renee!! She did the same thing last time. Staring out the stall door all night, went o get my pants on, maybe 3 minutes tops.
I also looked then at the monitor and saw her laying down and flew out there, the head was out already! S h e k n o w s w e a r e n o t w a t c h i n g!

Thanks Diane, I forgot about the album. I will also get dry fluffy pics tomorrow and post. Wish we had more green than our postage stamp lawn. Goodnight all! Thank you Renee, I am forever grateful!
Oh what a lovely little girl! And a tovero with brown eyes, and that much white-amazing! So happy she is here and healthy, congratulations...
Congratulations on your wildly-marked, beautiful filly!! So glad everything went smoothly too!
She has bright definite blue eyes, so she also inherited Masq's splash. Her head is Masq all over again lol. Couldn't sleep cause people keep calling to buy eggs so I am headed to town with dh to do real woman's shopping and eat out. I can't remember when I last was gone lol. I prefer to stay here anyway with my furry friends.

She was overdue so keep in mind, but she measured 24" and her canon was 8 " if I did it right middle of knee to coronet.
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WOW!! just read through 3 pages!! Many, many CONGRATULATIONS Becky, and well done to a very sneaky Missy! LOL!! What a perfect little filly - love her colouring too.

Renee, that's the perfect example to us all of what happens when one just HAS to leave the cam screen for the dreaded weed!! LOL!!

Cant wait for some outside pics - hope the weather stays good for them Becky.

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