Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

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YES!! As she is so close things could change in a blink of an eye, and what are a few night's of lost sleep against the possible loss of a foal? Also it will get Missy used to having you around which will be good. Dont forget to get yourselt some drink and nibbles as you will get hungry and it will help keep you awake, plus something to read/watch/do to help pass the time. It is not easy but we have all been there and nothing is more rewarding than helping a new little life into the world. Good luck!!
YES!! As she is so close things could change in a blink of an eye, and what are a few night's of lost sleep against the possible loss of a foal? Also it will get Missy used to having you around which will be good. Dont forget to get yourselt some drink and nibbles as you will get hungry and it will help keep you awake, plus something to read/watch/do to help pass the time. It is not easy but we have all been there and nothing is more rewarding than helping a new little life into the world. Good luck!!
Thank you!

I shall get all my stuff together ready for 'foalwatch' and start properly tomorrow!
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Yes, I think you're only a few days away, too. Once those nipples fill and baby moves a bit, she'll be ready to go. So, make yourself a NICE soft bed! Remember, things can change is such a few minutes with some good rolls!

Can't wait for your announcement!
Hoping all is well, and you're playing with a new little one, or getting REALLY close!
Sadly, Missy doesn't seem to be playing ball. She had a really bouncy bum and a lovely bag and this morning bag has gone and bum is firm again.

Day 354 and we're both hating it. The worst bit is that people are now saying she isn't in foal because she is a little overdue. Really getting on my nerves!!

Yesterday -


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When are you counting her dates from - sorry haven't the time to read back through all the posts!
Just posted you a response but stupid laptop refused to print it!! Got to rush off to do minis now - will post a bit later!
OK I'm back and have just re-read your first post. Will make this quick as still have some outside work left to do, so may be a bit abrupt. Missy was pasture bred which means that she was covered many times (and they only saw the once?? Cant have been watching very closely!!). She continued running with the stallion for sometime so could easily have missed her first season and been caught at the next- which means that you can subtract AT LEAST 21 days from your present total of days.

What missy is doing is perfectly normal for a mare reaching the end of her pregnancy, so I would say forget that April date (or any date (!!)) and just watch Missy for all the signs she is giving you as she gets closer.

Just my opinion and I will be interested to see what others think. Good luck!
I'm with Anna about dates. If she was out running with the stallion, you just can't be sure.

Mini mares are unique each one to themselves and I sure wouldn't stop my foal watch. She's looked very pregnant in all the pictures you posted.
So count back 21 days, leading Missy to now be 337 days in foal

I can work with that!
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Are you feeling happier now!! Excited too I bet - she's doing fine! She could foal at any time or she could still be a few days away, but judging on how fast that udder has come on, I dont think it will be too long. Keep watching that udder, it might help - udders often go down after 'exercise'/time outside roaming about and then fill up again when stabled overnight. When they stay filled during the daytime exercise, you are getting very close (of course not all mares do this but it is worth keeping in mind and watching for in case she follows the 'norm').

Keep a check on the colour inside her vulva too. And how about some new pics? Please.
She's moving ahead just fine! We're all sharing your excitement, so keep a close eye and keep us posted!
Day 338 - MASSIVE kicks from baby but no sign of anything else. Ordered a milk testing kit for when she starts lactating. Still think we're a few weeks off yet!



I wouldn't say you were weeks away - a week maybe, but that could change at any minute judging from your pictures. An Easter baby maybe??? Keep watching!

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