Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

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I agree with Anna, looks like the Easter Bunny might be dropping off more than Easter Eggs this Year
I also certainly don't think you have "weeks" -- and I'd be watching her very closely, as she's elongating nicely, and that udder could change in minutes, if she feels like it.

I'm voting on an Easter baby, too (or even a few days before).

I'd be watching her like a hawk, and giving her some room to roll. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised very soon.
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She rolls daily as she goes out in the paddock or sand school. She is also scratching her bum a lot too. No major grumps, eating like normal and is fine in herself, Trying not to get too excited as I think she'll hold on as long as she can.

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Day 339 - Missy has ballooned once again. No movement at all from baby. Found a tiny white thing on one of her teats but it brushed away easily - Possibly dried milk? Including some photos for you to look at and make judgement





Could be the wax some mares get on their nipples about 24 hours before foaling. She's looking close to me.
Dont worry too much about her udder - she may be one that fills completely as she foals, at least she is showing us that she has a good udder there! She really is looking great and so very close. I expect that what you found on her teat was just a small bit of secretion, quite normal. She may not wax at all if she doesn't fill those teats completely or if her udder suddenly fills as she goes into labour you may see wax at the last possible moment. Just keep an eye on the colour inside her vulva as any changes there may be your only final sign.

Good luck - she's progressing perfectly!
And baby has moved forward nicely. It won't be long now! She's doing great.....and so are you!
Quick update -

Missy is very restless. Has barely touched her hay. Bum scratching, flicking her tail and kicking her belly at the same time. Is also doing a lot of yawning and licking/chewing. She's 340 days now. Keeping a close eye!!#

30 mins ago:


Yesterday -

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I hope it is. It's really hard knowing it's about to happen but waiting and waiting and waiting.
Baby is nicely forward, and she looks good to go. Re-read the posted threads for any information that might help if there is a problem (just in case), but she looks like today could be it -- especially if you're seeing changes in her 'normal' behavior.

Safe and happy foaling!!
Dont be nervous, Missy needs you to be calm and ready to assist - after all you have waited so long for this moment.

Just had a notification that Diane beat me to posting, so I will just repeat - make sure you are right there with her as she goes into labour and as soon as she starts pushing and that little white 'bubble' appears, check that you have two feet and, slightly further back, the knob of a nose so you are good to go. Then after a couple more pushes gently grasp those legs (not the feet) and help ease baby out with Missy's contractions.

Missy has had foals before so things will probably happen very quickly, which is why you need to do that early check on the coming baby. This is all sooooooooooo exciting, I cant wait to see what she's been hiding.

Good luck, and dont worry - you will be fine!!
Got 'ya this time, Anna! So often you beat me to it all!

This should be an exciting night!

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