Brilliant news!! As you have not foaled her before I would keep a good eye on her from now on. If she follows a 'normal' (what's that??? LOL!!) time schedule she should foal in around 3-4 weeks time, but should she start to increase that udder fast then get prepared to start your all night watch/sitting with her, as she could be one of those that fills up fast and foals within a week! Also keep an eye on the colour inside her vulva as this will turn from a pale salmon like pink to a deep red not long before she foals - in some mares it is a day or so, in others it is the day/night they foal, but then in some it doesn't happen at all!! They love to keep us guessing!
Brilliant, Thank you all for your support!! She was much happier today and is outside munching a net at the moment. Belly seems to have shrunk? Better start building up my foaling kit!! Yard owner who is an ex-breeder reckons she could foal Late March/April time!! Would you like me to start taking Vulva picks as a guide? (Sorry for all the questions!! She's 318 days today!!
I have an udder picture from this morning for you - But will upload it later as rushing a little now! Thanks guys!
Baby was bouncing so much today. Missy kept biting her stomach and foal was dancing around with limps flailing everywhere. Got a good 10 minutes of kicking against my hand too!
He is a feisty one. I poked him gently and got a 'THUD THUD THUD THUD' back! Love him already! Missy is getting more irritable every day!! (319 days today)
She's gorgeous and I love her photo. Her markings are unique and can't wait to see the foal. I'm still a newbie but to me she looks normal but she has more time to go. You are looking for a more elongated and puffy hoo haw and if you check it's color it will go from pale to bright red prior to foaling and that's a great sign. I also think she'll get more of a bag. If you go look at LadyK miniatures thread and LaLa's pictures - she has some great photos of a mare about to foal although she's waiting as well.
Now I'll wait for Anna to chime in because she knows oh, so much and will be able to tell you so much more. And Diane too. So exciting watching all these mares.
All looks perfectly normal, but she's got some time to go to elongate and hopefully work on shopping to fill that udder. But not to worry -- she's doing great!