Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

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Maybe the foal was turning as this could make her feel very uncomfortable for a while. As she reared her last foal so well, and obviously without much human help, I would expect her to have had a reasonable supply of milk, so am a little concerned that she is showing no signs yet of filling her udder?? Still she could be one who fills as she foals, although even they usually show some sign of udder development.

Guess you will just have to continue to do what you are doing and keep a good eye on her. Keep us posted!
She was fine when checked again tonight. Ate all her tea and then proceeded to eat her hay! Little madam had me worried!!
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Absolutely love Missys Blog. Now I wanna Take my lot out for Coffee how cool
She's looking very good. Some good rolls will get baby in position and lined up for delivery. Let's hope she uses that time to grow some udder! LOL
She is peeing an awful lot and it is pretty cloudy - Is this normal or something I should be worried about?
Turned Missy out today and she immediately started kicking her belly and flicking her tail. Lots of bum and neck scratching but think it's because she is malting. Little movement today but a very irritable pony!!
Hey guys, what size rug do you think we would need for Missy's baby? She stands at 11hh and we expect baby to be pretty small. I am clueless to sizes and such, so any suggestions are helpful! x
I am sorry I don't have a clue what size to tell you but I'm sure someone will jump in and let you know. My guys are quite a bit smaller than your girl and I simply have 2 x-small, 2 small, 3 mediums and 3 large.... I know that is not any help to you, sorry. oh by the way it is difficult to figure out how big the foal will be by the size of the mare. Mare in my avatar is my largest at 33.5", and her foal also in avatar picture was the smallest I've ever seen personally, at 5 years old now he is just 26". Her next foal was not much bigger and she is now 27" at 3 years old. So if possible pick a blanket that will give you a bit of leeway...
No worries, we have just bought two rugs. One at 3ft and on at 2ft something
If you need something something smaller, dog blankets do in a pinch, as can a sweatshirt (easy to do, especially if you just want to cut it, but you can make them work with out cutting).
Now the weather seems to have become freezing again, I think you are very wise to have a rug/s at the ready. However someone has just told me that they heard that we are in for another mini 'heatwave' again any minute!! What is happening to this weather of ours????
Now the weather seems to have become freezing again, I think you are very wise to have a rug/s at the ready. However someone has just told me that they heard that we are in for another mini 'heatwave' again any minute!! What is happening to this weather of ours????
Have heard about this heatwave that is heading our way (I hope) - We have bedded Missy down well tonight so she should be snug. Have stopped rugging her though, just in case!!
Hey guys, thought i'd post an update for you.

Missy is 344 days in foal.

We still have no baby. We still have no teat development. However, we have a very active baby and a very agitated mare. Missy is getting nasty and fed up. She is now pulling faces, refusing again to be caught and leave her stable and is getting awkward when anybody enters her stable.

When baby kicks, Missy flicks her tail and kicks/bites her belly so starting to think it's getting too much for her. Lots of bum scratching too!

I am half expecting her to foal in the night without a bag and just drop baby. I have seen kicks in the top of her bum by her tail, and then back to underneath her belly and in her flank. Baby is very strong and if you place your hand on Missy's belly you will get a hefty kick! (Videos on facebook if anybody wishes to add me, please PM me and i'll show you the videos)

Also found a recent picture of dad. Going from the unruly 3 year old living with a herd of ponies behind a derelict mill to this flashy little show cob!


Missy's pictures - Day 344:




I am getting seriously fed up of 'Foal watch'

But here's a video of all the kicking and bouncing from this week:

Also we have a blog update - Well more of a little letter to baby!

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I had an older mare foal last year and her bag never developed until after baby was born and then milk came right in.

You are lucky you have a kicking foal. Madeline is getting ready - I think within a week or two and no kicks from my baby so I enjoy hearing about Missy's bouncing babe.

The stud is gorgeous and that is going to be one beautiful baby. I expect to wake up one morning and see you've had your foal!
I had an older mare foal last year and her bag never developed until after baby was born and then milk came right in.

You are lucky you have a kicking foal. Madeline is getting ready - I think within a week or two and no kicks from my baby so I enjoy hearing about Missy's bouncing babe.

The stud is gorgeous and that is going to be one beautiful baby. I expect to wake up one morning and see you've had your foal!
I'm hoping she doesn't keep us waiting much longer, I am already giddy with excitement!!

Good luck with Madeline's foal!
Well the biting of her belly, bum scratching and bum pushing on walls and fence posts are all quite normal at this stage. I'm quite amazed that baby is still so active. Normally, I would expect that baby would be running out of room and acting more quiet. Must be a colt! LOL You know boys!

Keep us posted. We're all sharing your excitement.

And dad is stunning!
Well the biting of her belly, bum scratching and bum pushing on walls and fence posts are all quite normal at this stage. I'm quite amazed that baby is still so active. Normally, I would expect that baby would be running out of room and acting more quiet. Must be a colt! LOL You know boys!

Keep us posted. We're all sharing your excitement.

And dad is stunning!
Maybe she is not as far along as we think but it is certainly a big baby - And yes, I have bets on a colt too!!

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