Mommy Mare Questions????

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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My mare foaled 8 days ago and she's rubbing her butt against the chain-link fence pretty verociously. She's also scratching her head and neck on the stall. I gave her ivermectrin about 3-4 weeks before foaling and again right after birth. I've cleaned her vulva area also. Is this something to be concerned about or is this just regular itchy stuff going on?

Then there's the sand/dirt issue. I've never seen her do this? Is she maybe missing some minerals? I'm still feeding her 1/2 flake of Timothy Hay in the A.M. and 1/2 of Alfalfa in the P.M.. Should I be giving her any supplements? Should I be feeding a nursing mom more??

I really could use help with this!

Both the mares with foals here are on free choice alfalfa hay right now one of them gets 2 cups soaked BP with 3 cups Mare and Foal feed and a half cup Hoffmens minerals twice a day clean water and a mineral block is in the stall the other mare gets more of the ration she is a bigger mare..l think your mare must be hungary.
How much grain are you giving her?

I give a mare/foal feed (Omelene 300), and 1 fake of alfalfa/timothy hay 2X a day, and alfalfa cubes which will be taken away once she foals but will be on nice pasture grass 24/7.

I would defintelly try to nip this in the butt before she colics. I would also put in mineral block. Can't explain why she would be itchy.
Don't have an answer for the itching, but we give free choice purina 12/12 minerals here...keeps them away from the dirt.
I think your mare is hungry too.

I'm giving Angel free choice hay, plus three feedings of Omelene300 3 times a day.

I have Purina 12 12 minerals out with white and red salt blocks too. That takes care of eating dirt.

She may be itching if she's sheddding.
Thanks to all! I've upped her hay and am now giving her mare & foal (1cup in AM and 1cup in PM) and added a mineral block which she now likes. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again!

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