Flyin G Farm
Well-Known Member
We are very excited to annouce our 2nd, 3rd and 4th foals born!
Our 2nd foal of the year is a bay filly born April 15th sired by Spirit Thunders Deja Vudoo and out of Sacred Hawks Bay Brandy, both very loud appaloosas. There isn't a speck of white on this little girl, but that's OK, she's very petite with a gorgeous head. I *think* I'm going to call her Flyin G's Picture Perfect. My hubby, Vince, named her "Tink".
Our 3rd foal of the year was probably my most anticipated...and she kept me waiting for what seems like forever. She finally foaled at 346 days April 20th, a sorrel colored appy filly! She has spots on her rear and one spot up at her withers which are very hard to see in pictures...and she still needs to unfold just a bit more. She also is very dainty and petite, and I think she'll have her mom's trot! She is sired by Westwind Farms Rollers Bonsai (paternal brother to Candylands Best Kept Secret) out of Little Americas Soshowme Buckeroo, who is my national champion driving horse. This is her first foal and she is a WONDERFUL mother. I *think* I'm going to call her Flyin G's Sensational Showoff. For her barn name Jilly keeps popping into my we'll see if that really sticks.
And our 4th foal of the year was born April 23rd, a sorrel filly with appy characteristics. She is also sired by Westwind Farms Rollers Bonsai and her dam is Buckeye WCF Bay Bee Eagle. She is only a day old in this picture so still not at all unfolded. She has LONG legs and a long neck. She had trouble finding the milk bar so we had the vet out to tube her so she got enough colostrum, but she's figured it out now and is doing very well.
Only 4 more to go
Thanks for letting me share!
Our 2nd foal of the year is a bay filly born April 15th sired by Spirit Thunders Deja Vudoo and out of Sacred Hawks Bay Brandy, both very loud appaloosas. There isn't a speck of white on this little girl, but that's OK, she's very petite with a gorgeous head. I *think* I'm going to call her Flyin G's Picture Perfect. My hubby, Vince, named her "Tink".

Our 3rd foal of the year was probably my most anticipated...and she kept me waiting for what seems like forever. She finally foaled at 346 days April 20th, a sorrel colored appy filly! She has spots on her rear and one spot up at her withers which are very hard to see in pictures...and she still needs to unfold just a bit more. She also is very dainty and petite, and I think she'll have her mom's trot! She is sired by Westwind Farms Rollers Bonsai (paternal brother to Candylands Best Kept Secret) out of Little Americas Soshowme Buckeroo, who is my national champion driving horse. This is her first foal and she is a WONDERFUL mother. I *think* I'm going to call her Flyin G's Sensational Showoff. For her barn name Jilly keeps popping into my we'll see if that really sticks.

And our 4th foal of the year was born April 23rd, a sorrel filly with appy characteristics. She is also sired by Westwind Farms Rollers Bonsai and her dam is Buckeye WCF Bay Bee Eagle. She is only a day old in this picture so still not at all unfolded. She has LONG legs and a long neck. She had trouble finding the milk bar so we had the vet out to tube her so she got enough colostrum, but she's figured it out now and is doing very well.

Only 4 more to go

Thanks for letting me share!