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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
ok,.......Foxy is STILL hanging on,........

It was a LONGGGGG night last night, was made EVEN worse,....cause my internet was DOWN!

I kept getting a error message every time I tried to dial up!,.grrrrrrr

Fred thinks I am doing it all wrong,..he says that by me going out there so often that foxy will never have her baby,..He tells me just to leave her alone and only check her every couple of hours or so,....I TRY to tell him,..that he has experience in COWS,..

NOT ,..horses,..and that I still love him*wink*,..but,..I am going to listen to my friends on LB before him. LOL

OK,....Foxy,........There is slime or her backend looked wet or something about 10 minutes agao,.....and her poo looks like cow plop now,.....

Boy,.....I never thought I could feel soooooo tired ,..and it is only the FIRST night,.....Thanks for all the great tips and comments on the last post,.....I wanted to start a new one,..sooo that everyone could see the update,......

forgive me if I have spelling errors,...Im too tired to go back and check over this,....LOL

Well lets you all know ,.as soon as something changes,..hope my internet stays working ,....(((((hugs))))) to all from a very sleepy Terri and Foxy says thanks too!!!
[SIZE=12pt]Awwww sounds like you will be buying some coffee!!Hope she doesnt keep you up to long :bgrin !!Good luck (((((hugs)))))[/SIZE]
I have been thinking about you!! She really does sound close (and for your sake I hope sooner than later). I wish you lived near me - I'd come and sit and watch while you get a nap

Take care!
Thanks guys,......

On top of it all,...I am going through WOMANLY problems this week,.....and It takes a lot out of me on its own...LOL

I am sitting here nodding off at the puter,.....Fred might come home from work tonight and actually find me curled up in Foxy's stall,..LOL

OK,...I just thought of another Question,....

You guys know how I bought that camera?,......Well ,...I only have around 40 dollars in my saving left now,....And I thought ,..What if Foxy wont let her milk down or somthing,....How much is Colustrom(sp?)

Fred said that he would just go to the farm and gets some,..but,...that is cow colustrom,(again,sp?)

We cant give the foal cow colustrom can we?, has to be horse?
You're right--don't use cow colostrum. The foal's gut stay's open to absorb those vital protiens for 12-18 hours (although I get antsy if they haven't gotten any by 2-4 hours--if they're not getting nutrition, hypoglycemia gets to be a factor).

The mare may need a little help with oxytocin or even some domperidone (althouth that takes several days to kick in)--but usually going through delivery and the stimulus of having her baby bumping her is enough to turn most mares on. I have one mare I have never seen foal--cameras and all.
Good Morning Terri!!!

I will yawn right along with you, nothing here either.

Ok with what you just said of Foxy, it sounds like she very well could be in the first stage of labor. With cow pie poop I wouldn't leave her, mine usually foal within a couple of hours once the cow pies start.

As for the colostrum........I don't know about the cattle colostrum.

But equine colostrum from my very is around $200 depending on what they have had to order, or what they just have on hand. It's not cheap.

Are you able to see Foxy's bag??? If she'd one this 6 times before, and as long as you can see a bag, things should be ok.

I sure wish you could test her milk for us, but I know you've said she won't let you near her down there.

Good Luck!
It should not be tooooooo much longer (just listen to this Foxy!!).

Ditto on the response - Horse Colostrum only -- be sure to have the vet out to do IGG test - they can give you colostrum substitute - not as good but no where as bad as NO COLOTRUM.

Can you set up a cot in your barn to sleep on?

When I think it is getting close to time - I move out into my barn and sleep where I can hear - and peek to see what is going on. Don't have a camera (yet).

I do have a foaling alarm system (The type that goes on the halter) which I use - but it has so many false alarms that I feel sleeping out in the barn is my only choice. Unfortunately for the mares -- if they choose to have the foal while i am at work we are both SOL.


Can't wait to hear your good news when it happens.

Can you tel if she is making a bag?? If she is and has had foals before, then I am sure she will be ok in the milk department. So far, thankfully, I have never had a mare not make a bag, or milk.

I have one mare that has had a bag for a month, and I am still watching. YAWN!
Up until a couple of nights ago,...I couldnt see her bag, kneeling beside her,...Now ,..I can,....this means that she is making one,...right???

I do hope she holds off until Fred gets home from work,.....I am all alone here,....In case something were to go wrong,...

The vet said that they wouldnt come out here with out the cash,..cause they dont know us enough yet,

Gosh,..I hope she does ok?
Well about the bag.................

Can you see if there is any wax on the ends of her teats??? Are her teats floppy and pointing in towards each other, or do they look stiff and pointing straight down and away from each other???
Well about the bag.................

Can you see if there is any wax on the ends of her teats??? Are her teats floppy and pointing in towards each other, or do they look stiff and pointing straight down and away from each other???
If her bag is full her teats will be pointing straight down, if it isn't they usually point inward as until it gets full.

Has she ever had foals before? I can't remember........

Let me tell you the one I have been watching for a month has had a small bag all this time, and I look everyday, and they are still pointing in..........I bought her bred, and she was suppose to have been turned out with the stallion in the end of March 2005, which would have made her due around the end of feb 2006 if she had got in foal right away..........

Well I am still waiting!!!

After all the other signs, the soft poo is the one I wait for. I go on ultra high alert then if all else is in place. I suspect it won't be too long for you at all!! :aktion033:

Oh, and I'm jealous you've only had one night so far!! We've been watching this one forever! LOL
Yep Cow Pies are a good indicator, though still not foolproof. She's an experienced mare though, so if she's getting a bag (or there is enough of a difference that you can now see it kneeling beside her) I'd say get ready!!
I finally got my tired ole brain smart enough to figure out how to take pics of Foxy's underneath parts,...with out actually getting her worked up to do it,.....
: :bgrin

Still NOTHING yet! *le sigh*

ok,...Here are the pics,...This is NOT her first baby,.....She has had either 6 or 7 in the past?

What do you guys all think,.....*Graphic*,......Sorry




Do you think that the whitish stuff on the end of her ****,..might be wax,...or can horses have white coloring there?

Her bag doesn't look significant at all, I was expecting more but that doesn't mean anything :bgrin Her vulva does look enlongated, but again, I don't know what it looked like before so it may not be abnormally enlongated....I know, I'm no help....
: Sorry I wish I could tell you more!
Well By the looks of her bag, I would say you have a long wait!!!!

Not sure though as everymare is different, but my mares that have had previous foals make a pretty good bag, where you can see it between their back legs when they walk.

I hope I am wrong for your sake, but I have a mare with a bag that has been hangin now for at least a month!
I know,...but,..I didnt have the best shot in the world for the pics,...

I tried to stand behind her to take the pic and lift her tail,...but,...That was a nono :new_shocked:

soo,..I knelt down beside her front leg,...stuck the camera towards the area and took the pic,...unprofessional I know,..LOL
: :lol:

Do you think that is why they look small ,..because I took the pic from beside instead of behind?????

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!,.....

A MONTH!!! :new_shocked:

Not sure guys,.... if I can check EVERY 15 minutes,..for a MONTH

being honest here,.....LOL,.....Im more tired,..just thinking about it! :new_shocked:
LOL :lol:

That is the fun part when you don't know for sure when they bred!LOL

:aktion033: Welcome to mare stare!

You will be so exhausted by the time the foal finally arrives you will want to sleep for a week, but then the excitement of the new foal will keep you going!!!!
I have a mare I am watching right now her duedate using 330 days is April 25th. I know exactly when she got bred. In the last couple of days she has "dropped", has huge hollows in her flank area and has about the same size bag as your mare has, She is also getting mushy around her tail. and her "privates" has started to lengthen. This will be her 3rd foal and I have not seen a single one of them born. I have always caught her on the tail end of having them. Good Luck, the waiting sucks but the outcome of it all is well worth it.


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