MSN / Yahoo Messenger anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Springs Ohio
Does anyone here use MSN or Yahoo Messenger?

Feel free to add me and chat [email protected] (MSN) or Lovecoco89 (yahoo) on quite a bit...

..i just recently downloaded MSN so just curious. I know we have have them listed in our profiles but does anyone actually use them?

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Me, too

mine is [email protected] on MSN... at least I think... Is that the same as Windows Live Messenger :DOH!

I have both yahoo & msn messenger. I'm on some times but usually leave them on and would love to hear from forum members! Feel free to say Hi anytime!

My yahoo #'s chesahenkel

My msn#'s eh54548
I have both and am TikaLayne on both..feel free to add to chat with y'all
I'm rockriverminis on yahoo. Haven't been on there in a while, but I'm doing some content writing on the side now, so I'll be spending more time online. Always love horse talk!
Dont have MSN or yahoo, but I have

AIM : Briggs17113
mine is kaykay543 on yahoo

Hey tiff I found a new content site that pays really well for market articles.
MSN: [email protected], I have it on auto-sign in on my laptop so I'm usually always on or away!

AIM: oxmollymariahxo
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I have them all, or at least logins for all (Yahoo, MSN, AIM, ICQ, Skype..) but I haven't redownloaded some of them since I got the new comp.

So, I mostly use Yahoo & AIM.

Yahoo: ranger_critter

AIM: AngelCoinCritter (if ya see me on and leave real quick its cuz I actually dont have AIM downloaded I only use it through Gmail, so unless I use another browser window and leave Gmail up..but I try to stick around for a few minutes at a time sometimes.)
I Have aol IM, MSN, and Yahoo. I THINK i'm boinky61 on all of them. My MSN hasn't been working lately. I run all three off Trillion so i always have them going and are easy to use.

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