My Christmas Miracle

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Mar 26, 2006
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I don't know if anyone else feels this way but usually on Easter and Christmas something always happens. New birth in the pasture, things like that. Always something nice or bad happens on those two days. At least around my house it does.

Well long story short I came home one day to find my 3 month old puppy not being able to walk. She had feeling in her back legs but that was about it. I ran her to the vet and he came up with a bad disk and she probably needed surgery. I had already spent $2000 on one of my little dogs for the same surgery but could not afford to do that again. So we did meds and worked and worked with her. Months went by and we thought of putting her down, but decided since she was in no pain to just let her scoot around. Which is how she got her current name, Scoot.

I decided to invest in a dog cart. She hated it from the get go. All she would do was go backward in it. So I told my husband that we would just let her be. People acted like I was a bad person because I had a dog that couldn't walk and was letting her live that way. Never mind all the time and money I put out trying to help her walk again, but hey. My dog, My house, don't like it, don't come back.

Now to shorten this tale up a bit. This morning was the best morning I have had and probably the best Christmas I have ever had. I walked out the door to greet all my dogs and when it hit me what I was seeing I started to cry. My dog, Scoot was walking on all 4 legs. She was happy and actually walking. I ran inside to get my camera and tell my husband to come look. I managed to get 3 pics. before my camera died. Scoot has been unable to walk for 7 months until today.

This is the best Christmas miracle I have ever had. See Miracles can happen.

Here are the pics. I had managed to take before the battery died. You can tell her bad side from all the muscle loss in the leg. She is also using it just like the other one. Boy I'm so happy. I can't stand myself.



Well...if that ain't the cats meow! I bet with her using her leg that she will get some of her muscle tone back since she is using her leg now
I dug this up. This is pics. of Scoot back on Sept. 19th. See how bad her tendons are in her back legs.


I am so happy for you guys! Things happen,,,, we don't always get to know why. Merry Christmas!
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Miracles do happen!! Thank God!

I know I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. All day she did the usual thing, Scooted around. So i told my son that God must have held her up just to let me know things will get better around here. To keep my head up. She did walk some more before dark.

All year long it has been a battle around my place. I have lost several horses this year from one thing after another. I have been in the hospital with 3 blood clots and heart issues and things seem to slowly be getting better but I stay so stressed out around here and at work. It has just been one bad thing after another till this morning. I'm so proud of her.
I am so glad for scoot. It looks like that wheelchair thing is too tall for her. Well, she won't need it if she is getting better.
I am so glad for scoot. It looks like that wheelchair thing is too tall for her. Well, she won't need it if she is getting better.
I didn't think it looked right either but I had emailed these very pictures to the people that make them and they told me it was right.
I know Scoot didn't care for it at all but they think that since this all happened at her growing stage that her joints in the front were not growing right either from the added strain of dragging around. I had really lost all hope and made adjustments in my yard for her to make things easy as possible.

Things are sure looking up.
That wheelchair looked incredibly uncomfortable. I'm glad she didn't have to use it, but sorry for her that she's had to drag herself around for seven months. I hope she continues to improve, but I also hope she gets in for another check up and surgery now, if needed. Dogs can be incredibly stoic even when they are in a lot of pain. She may be doing all she can to get around, but that doesn't mean she's getting better. Even if she is getting better, trying to get around like that may result in her injuring herself more. If nothing else, if she were mine, I'd definitely invest in some time at the veterinary rehab center we have here.
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What a great surprize for you. I can imagine the happiness it brought you when you seen her.

You have to do what is in your heart and what you can afford and not what other people think you should do.

She has such a happy face.
Mininik, I was trying to do all I could for Scoot. you have know ideal of the things I have tried to give this dog and do for her to have a quality of life, so I don't appreciate your comments a bit. Surgery was a option my vet gave me and he told me it may or may not even work so we went with meds, rest and therapy.

Scoot has not been in pain for months now after the first injury. If she was she would have been put down by my vet. My vet and I both have worked on her to make things happen but they just never did. Why would I spend $135 on a cart in hopes that it would work for her if I wasn't doing what I could. I paid for it off of the internet. I didn't have a chance to try it out to see if it would work. Don't you think after spending $135 on a cart I had to give it a few tries to see how it would work. She never stood in it long because she didn't like it.

There is no way this dog needs surgery, specially now since she is up and WALKING and after yesterday's walking she is just about normal again. i wish I could put a video on here to let everyone see how she is walking now after Christmas day. And yes she is going to my vet tomorrow so I can show him and brag on how she is walking.

I'm very proud of her and proud of the fact that I didn't give up on her.

Thanks to all of you that had nice things to say and are happy for Scoot. I appreciate it.
Oh, I'm so happy for you guys! That definately made Christmas special for you this year. Unfortunately, sometimes we can only help out so much, and then we just have to let nature take it's course and wish for the best. I think this is one of those reminders that we are all different and we adjust to our circumstances. She has a passion for life, and that's always a good thing. You always see animals with missing limbs, and they get along just fine. Just because some people don't think it's the normal quality of life, doesn't mean an animal is suffering. She's obviously very happy you gave her a chance to live her life.
I agree with you. I have had animals all of my life just like I'm sure a lot of members have. You know when they are in pain and you know when they give up. They can tell you. Scoot never for a second gave up. yes when it first happen she was in pain but we had her on meds and once the swelling went down she was back to being happy. I spent a lot of days cleaning her butt and one thing I have learned is if you want to loosen up stool on your dog. Go to TSC and by Retriver can dog food. Oh my God what a mess that makes.

She has always been happy. Plays and has a ball with the other dogs. Today I forgot that I had a new improved Scoot and when I opened the gate to feed the horses she made a break for it. LOL. I chased her down and packed her back to the yard. It's like she woke up Christmas morning and said, " hey I can walk" and now she is trying to run.

My grandbaby came over today and she is 2 going on 3. She seen Scoot and got so excited. She said " Scoot is walking". " I told you she was going to walk someday" She ran and gave Scoot a big hug and told her she was so happy for her.. Boy those kids know just what to say.
oh yes I have Doxie's and plenty of them. I thought I wanted to get into breeding them and when my first 2 litters came i ended up keeping them all because I was so worried about their future and ending up in a bad home or the pound.

so I got out of the breeding business and gained a yard full of dogs. LOL. Husband is still made over that one. I love everyone of them and agreed no more dogs, until his lab. But I told him he had to wait them out on killing over from old age. They are 2 and older. LOL.

Now back on Scoot. Took her in to the vet today and everyone was just as happy as I was over her walking.

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