My Christmas Present

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Well, my boyfriend has been asking what i want for Christmas. I told him a computer chair. But now I have changed my mind!
I saw in the paper today that my university was trying to create a breeding program for captive bred Clown Fish (Nemo's). Thir reason for doing this is that every year many many wild Clown fish are caught using inhumane methods and sold as pets.

Unfortunately, they could not breed the fish in a way economically sound enough to compete with the pet stores selling cheap wild caught fish, so now they need to find homes for about 200 fish, hopefully before January. The leader of the research team has created a Save-A-Nemo kit, which includes 2 juvinile fish, a small tank with all the trimmmings, and everything we need to modify the tank so that it becomes a salt water environment.

Here is the web site for the newspaper article and the website for the Save A Nemo project!

Save a Nemo


I can't wait, I'm hoping there are still fish available on Monday, as thats when the new kits will arive. They are also selling larger tank kits, but they are $200 and the Kit I want is only $50. I DO plan to have my existing tank set up to be their new environment, but for now they will be quite happy in the tank that comes in the kit. We have a tank with Clown Fish in it that i walk past on my way to classes every day, and I never would have imagined I'd have a pair of them myself one day!

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[SIZE=14pt]Thats so cool.... my son has two salt water 50 gal tanks, one is a coral reef and one fresh water tank with angels and a orange and black striped fish of some kind....that is still at my house but he will move it to his soon.... I will miss that tank! I have grown to like it.[/SIZE]

I used to have a fish tank. ONly had one cause mom had to buy me one when I won a gold fish at a fair. Well while waiting overnight for the water to warm up for my fish, my fish decided to jump out of his bowl on the kitchen floor. I even cried over that one. So of coarse mom had to get me more fish.

Anyway, I used to have a clown. He was the only one of all my fish that my Angel fish did NOT eat.
That is one sorry little tank...much too sure for two fish. I love Clowns but I preferr to see them on the TV- in the ocean, I'm afraid. (I do realise this fish you are getting are not from the ocean)
I agree that the tank is too small for a permanaent home for two clown fish, however, the Dr doing the study has determined that this is about the smallest size tank that will keep a pair healthy for an extended period of time. I DO plan to move them to a bigger tank, and the ones I will be getting are going to be babies.

Larger tanks require more research to get started, this kit is designed to house these fish and keep them healthy and I won't have any guess work. that will give me time to get my other tank set up before they are fully grown, as I will have time to research proper care and housing of these fish. They are only selling as a kit, and the next size kit (same size as my own tank) is $200. I WON'T buy the same tank as I have, just to get the fish. I'd rather buy the kit and take my time setting up a proper home for them. Think of it as a newbie to the minis, the kit is your nice, quiet gelding
Trust me, I DON'T plan to leae them in there long, I LOVE to watch fish swimming happily in their tank. My 1/2 inch zebra fish will go in the tank from the kit when I do the switch, its MUCh more his size. He is sooo lost in my big tank all alone.
I do hope you are aware that you need to set up the tank a couple of weeks at least before you put those little guys into it. It takes time for a tank to POP once it is set up and get all the salt and bacteria lvls where they are supposed to be. If you jsut set up and throw in those two little guys you could kill them. So I would suggest you check it out before you do it.
The way they are selling the fish is with enough water to fill the tank completely, so there is no need to wait for good fish water they will have the water they are used to living in. Another reason why I don't want to buy the big tank... thats a LOT of water to lug home! I'd rather buy the little one complete with water and then work at getting their bigger home set up and in working order.
They look like beautiful little fishies! My nephews would be so jealous...Nemo is their favorite.

I have a beta, and you have no idea how theraputic he is for me. I can sit and watch him for hours.
I am glad to hear you are going to have a larger tank for them and get it broke in properly for them before putting them in it. Probably the rrason for them having the clowns go with the tanks is because they already have the nitrification process going in the gravel so they will stay healthy and not die from ammonia or other harmful builups. There is a lot of good information for keeping healthy fish tanks on the internet. Keep the salt level correct and check for nitrate and ammonia often. Clowns are so adorable and you will really enjoy them. They are being bred in captivity a lot now. Might check out DR. Foster and Smith on the internet for info. Lots of good forums and such available too. Happy non fishing. Mary

MyLilShowGirl said:
That is sooo cool! Congrats....I love Nemo's!




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