My Dad -update

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Got a call from the Dr. today. He is sending my Dad home, basically because there is not much more to do at this time. He will be coming home on full time oxygen, wheel chair, hospital bed, walker.

He got his pacer/defibrillator, so the heart rythm will be taken care of.

They said the insurance won't cover an ambulance trip to my house and I can't afford $800.00 that was quoted for an ambulance to be paid out of pocket. So I will bring him all the way here in a car.

Dr. said he is surviving on sheer will alone and the drive to get out of the hospital. He said that Dad will probably live 2months.

I will do my best to make him as comfortable and happy as possible.

I may not be on the computer as much for a while , maybe at night when I can't sleep.

Thanks for all the prayers for my Dad!

Love you all!

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I will keep you and your dad in my prayers. Be sure to keep your streangth up, take care of yourself. {{{HUGS}}}


So sorry to hear that you have such a short time with you father. But good to hear that he is coming home. Nothing better for his soul than being at home with you.

If I may offer some advice in case no one has suggested it.... If your dad is not expected to live long and the Drs say so, check into hospice. They bring what ever you need to care for your dad, including someone to releive you so that you can do basics like grocery shopping, ect. Last year when my grandmother was diagnosed with unrepairable heart valve problems, Hospice was a godsend! They were available to call 24 hours a day with questions, and the case worker even came when my grandmother passed away and helped make my grandmother look a little more pleasant after she passed. They brought all the equipment and it didn't cost my parents a penny.

Many prayers coming your and your father's way. (((Hugs)))
Robin honey. I'm crying and my heart is aching. I'm so sorry. I'm here if you need me.
Shoot you could probably rent a big van to bring him home cheaper than that. But know this, your dad wants to be with you and at home and whether he has 2 months, 2 weeks or 2 days, he will be surrounding by things that he is comfortable with and things he knows and not a sterile hospital environment. You father knows he has a good daughter who will do anything for him and he will do anything for her. Being near a loving family is some of the best healing power ever and though I don't know your father's total situation, he knows home is best for him and being with you. Take care and sending prayers from North Carolina that you get through these trying times and your dad feels comfortable and loved.
Robin! You are the best medicine he could ever have...........

you know where to find me if you need to
Oh Robin how bitter sweet. I know as this is what happened with my dad too. Do check into hospice! They were a Godsend for bathing and such. So nice and helpful and made great go betweens with the drs. One the time drew near Daddy did get very weak and scared to lay down and sleep. I asked the dr to prescribe Xanax for him. It made his last weeks more bearable and comfortable for him and for us. My heart just breaks for you, call if you need a warm shoulder and kind ear, I'm here day or nite.
I'm praying for you. I'm sure that the coming time with your dad will be hard and very precious at the same time.
Robin I dont know you at all but I do know what you are facing and just wanted to say while it is hard at times it is also something worth the time and energy. It is so obvious how much you love your Dad and know that his leaving will be hard but these next few weeks will be sooooo worth it when you look back. I was soooo blessedto have been in similar circumstances with my mom and the depth of the conversations during those two months were Priceless. My prayers for you and your dad to have some quality time in the next few weeks.
Keeping you and your dad in my thoughts and prayers. ((((HUGS))))
I will keep you and your Dad in my thoughts and prayers. Treasure your time together and know that he would rather be at home with you then in a hospital, no matter how caring they are.
He's in good, loving hands with you Robin. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Dad for strength, peace and comfort.
Thank you ALL!!!!

Brought my Dad home yesterday. He is on continuos oxygen. Very very weak and has difficulty breathing. He is on 15 new prescriptions, several inhalers and nebulizer treatmenst around the clock. His poor body is covered with humongous purple-black bruises from the ivs and lab draws, cardiac cath and pacer/defibrillator procedure, and being on the blood thinners


Last night to celebrate his coming home to me, I made his favorite meal, little filet mignons, fresh asparagus,baked potatoes, sliced tomatoes and the fixins, as low salt as I could get.

He ate well, and was belly happy afterward. He had a good night sleep and a good breakfast, and lunch to day. His appetite has picked up a lot. He asked me to make shepards pie for dinner and I will.

I am so thrilled to have him here!!!!

Hugs for you all,

You just made him the happiest man in the world. Glad to hear his appetite is great, mostly likely the cook added a touch of love to those fixins. You're doing great :aktion033:

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