Thank heavens Austin is doing better.
A story - A friend of our has a lab puppy, this pup was a real stinker. When they left for work, etc...the dog (Bam is his name) would eat the couch, the table, everything. I gave them our old crate to use and told them - this dog needs to be crated when you leave, not just for your furniture's sake, but for the dog's sake. It is a very nice large crate - big enough for a St. Bernard. They refused to crate him, they felt crating was "mean".....well sure enough, the dog ended up at Michigan State University to remove a blockage...a throw rug. After that (almost $2000 vet bill and surgery), they finally decided to crate him. He is fine now and he actually likes his crate....I told them so!
Some dogs just seem to get into everything. So glad Austin is doing better.