My Donkey Family is here

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Funny you should mention pictures....I took 80 yesterday
I have to compress soom and post them later.
I use to wish my donkey would brey for me
default_wub.png I practically do the combat crawl so he doesnt see me walking by. his brey starts with a rumble..real low then goes into a dreadful bellow like someone is twisting his ears.

haha that is such a good description!

Can't wait to see more pics!
Well my donkeys are starting to bray a little, actually the Jack does the braying..the girls do this panting sound, for lack of better description. They all get excited, ears perked up when I sing the donkey donk song hahaha. They get so close I can feel their breath...but still no touching. Here is a few recent pictures of them settling in.




And my favorite one of the 3 crosses

I have really enjoyed reading about your donkey family.
They are all so beautiful. They are really lucky babies to have you. I hope that you are able to get the spotted jack. Theya re great. Would love to see more pictures.
My secret is out, he will be here as soon as we can make arrangements. He is a yearling, his name is Nicodemus aka Nic. We are so excited!
Thank you cracker...but I think I am the lucky one

Well I tried posting a picture...guess I will have to wait until I put him on my website. Don't want to jinx it anyway, although she promises Nic is mine!
I am so happy for you and I can't wait to see a pic of the spotted donkey. I have really enjoyed this thread.Please keep it going. Post more pics when you can
I just don't get it, I really think I have bray less donks. I was just reading the about the one that brays all night. Mine bray a little a feeding time. Today I separated a jennet from her mom, weaning her. I put a little yearling in with her and messed with them all day. Now remember these donkeys have never been handled, taking that in to considerations they did great. I put a halter on them, groomed them the older one did give me a kick in the shine when I tried to pull a burr outta of her belly hairs. I was just reflex I think, cause I am sure it hurt...but my shin smarted a little as well. The little one brayed to her mom a few times. But I have heard nothing tonight. Maybe i wore her out today
I am trading her for the spotted jack and this is not going to be easy...since I am spending the time with her its really hard not to get to attached...ha too late already am...but a deal is a deal. Her new famly is the greatest, so that helps. I don't want to send the folks a wild donkey, plus I feel it will be stressful enough for her leaving her donkey family, much less being weaned all at the same time. So I am doing all I can to help her with her transitions.

So here is a picture of our soon to be spotted Jack Nicodemus aka Nic, he is yearling


Ain't he handsome
Nicodemus is here....and he has blue eyes! They didn't tell me he had blue eyes.....we just love him! I am going to work on filling him out and brighting his coat.

Hey Nancy!

I've been waiting to hear if you got Nic or not. I'm glad I popped in here and read youu did! Congrats! I hope you get some spotted babies!
Thanks Robin! Sorry I haven't been in has had me in a run trying to stay on top of things. Email ya later...luv ya Sis
see what i miss when i get busy elsewhere... too fun, 15 at once... i have 11 but the most i got at one time was 5... i have a gray jennet and 3 of her gray daughters, 2 are full sisters, and it can be hard to tell them apart when there is just one, when i see them next to each other to compare i can tell better. congratulations!

i may have to try that graham cracker tip as well, we use bread and it works great but the graham cracker probably smells better!

your new jack is handsome... one tip, i think i see pink skin around his eyes, if so and you live where there is lots of sun you will want to put a fly mask on him...

as for brayless donkeys, my boys bray a lot, the girls not so much, but when they do, they are letting you know it! i love to hear the little ones learning... with my girls especially at feeding time or when they want attention, they tend to wheeze, kind of a breathy squeak sound, i call them my squeaky toys lol

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