Well-Known Member
We sent Domingo out to the trainer 20 days ago for a tune up. I haven't driven him since I purchased him in early 09, and I don't think he had been driven since the 2008 show season. Since I have no driving experience, I thought it would be best to have a professional tune him up before I started driving him. Well, I started missing him so we decided to take the 4 hour drive this weekend to go see him, and get my first driving lesson. It's a blast. I think it will take a little bit to get used to. I haven't ridden since 06', but I still have that "instinct" to want to neck rein and use my legs, lol. I really think Im going to love driving even more than riding once Im comfortable and have more miles under my belt. Anyway, here is a picture from today. Please give advice, but dont be too harsh. Keep in mind im a total newbie, and my horse has 20 days on him after nearly 3 years. Hes not in condition yet, but gives his all. I cant wait for my next lesson tomorrow. Actually, I was teasing hubby telling him we should move out near the trainer, because they are GREAT and I really enjoyed my lesson. I didnt mind drooling over their shetlands either

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