Oh it doesn't bother me at all for you to tell me this. I want to learn all I can. What is it about his hind end that makes him not stallion quality? I am all about education and you're not going to make me mad.Just call the vet.
Your colt is cute, but I am going to be brave and tell you that he is not stallion quality, especially in the hind end. I bet he'd make a great gelding, though. I tell you this not to tork you off, but because this is a place for education and learning conformation is part of education. What people see in the movies is not a true depiction of life with a stallion, and I know too many people that have a fascination of having a stud, then come to the realization too late that it is not what they bargained for. If you want a horse that you can "live with", cut the colt.