Well-Known Member

Okay, so here's the story: I went to the 4-H horse show at the local fair yesterday, petted the horses, talked with a friend, when I saw a teenage boy (and he wasn't a little person) riding this guy. The horse had a sign duct- taped to his rear that read, "$75 o/b/o", and he looked rather sad. I asked the kid about him and was told he is 2-3 years old, recently gelded and broke to ride. Well, I went home straight away and talked to my husband who said, "You want to buy something, don't you?" when he first saw me. Six years of marriage and he can read me like a book (sometimes.) I went back to the fair and bought the little guy and took him home.

Well, he's quiet and calm, so far. I think he's a red dun- got the dorsal stripe on his back- and he looks better today than he did yesterday. My Trigger is absolutely THRILLED with his new pasture pal! He hasn't lived with another horse for two years, though he does have goat friends. Last pic, and, yes, I know my mini is fat: