My little Miss Scarlet is gone!!!

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Mar 1, 2004
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With everything else with Marty and Michael passing I hate to even post but yesterday morning we were awoken by the phone it was my SIL who lives just up the road from us. She said is one of you "ponies" out? I said I don't think so but let me go check I go out to the barn and sure enough Scarlet is no where to be found so she then tells me that the sherriff if is up there and was wondering who's "pony" it was said she was up on the main road Highway 62 (which is very busy) Well I immediately knew what had happened. I woke up my hubby and asked if he could go up there. He jumps up and gets his clothes on. Out the door he goes I then notice my othre girl is gone too. Well I call SIL back and she said she was next door at MIL's so she comes over to watch the kids (still asleep) I go to the end of the road and hubby meets me and tells me to go back to the house that Scarlet is gone. I go back and get Whinny and put her up. Hubby comes home and said that Scarlet was still alive but he told the Cop to put her down he said that she must have been bleeding internally because she had blood coming out her but and that it had mashed her head. Sorry if it is too much info. Anyway I am still numb and the kids are taking it very hard this was their X-mas present from Santa 2 yrs ago. It still doesn't seem real. Thanks for listening she was our first mini too.
Thinking of You.
Despite the sadness at Marty's if she were able she would be the first to offer (((Hugs))) and sympathy for you and your children for this loss. Run free little Scarlett.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Scarlet. It's okay to post about it, we are a FAMILY here, and we care. I hope your kids will be okay, give them some extra hugs and time to grieve. (((((HUGS))))) to you all. Godspeed Scarlet!

I am so sorry. I lost a mare a year ago and am still grieving. I know how much it hurts.
I'm so sorry to hear about Miss Scarlett. But you have a horsie angel watching over you and the kids.

Sending you hugs and prayers
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please don't feel like you need to apologize for posting now...we have BIG HEARTS HERE and everyone is welcome to post whenever they need prayers and moral support.

Godspeed Sweet Scarlet
So very sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Miss Scarlett. Don't apologize for posting, things still happen no matter what else is going on in the world -- and we want you to know that Miss scarlet will be missed and we understand your pain. It will hurt for a long time but, with time will ease. She will never be forgotten, always living in a portion of your heart -- I know, like so many others here, as I've lost some of my own.

I pray that you and your family find peace in remembering the good time you have had with her and give some extra hugs to Whinney. She will mis her friend also. Please help her through this, too. Remember Scarlett runs free with some of my own beloveds until we meet again.
You're so right to go ahead and post. Marty's family would have it no other way. And Carl and I are so very sorry for your loss.

Run free over that Rainbow Bridge little Scarlett, in soft warm breezes.

And hugs to you all.

Sorry to hear what has happened to you... I feel terrible reading your post, I got my mini's for my children,too. That is what makes it so much harder. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers too. Give the kids a hug for me.. I wish I could do something to help ease the pain. But I'm sure Scarlet is watching you from above... Take care and God Bless Little Miss Scarlet..
So very sorry to hear of your loss of Ms Scarlett -- hugs to you and your family.

Give your kids lots of hugs...... Losing a horse like that is hard, I know. We had it happen to us too.

It was good that the police were there and could shorten her suffering.

God bless,

[SIZE=14pt]So sorry for the loss of your Scarlett....[/SIZE]

I am so very, very sorry for your loss... :no:

It just breaks your heart when they leave us, but a tragedy like this is just heart-wrenching. Will be sending prayers and positive thoughts to you and your family.

Nancy & Mike
So very sorry, losing our animals is like losing one of the family.....

My heart goes out to you and your family.

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