I was reading about your loss & getting ready to reply then I saw the picture of Scarlet. My heart skipped a beat - I am so sorry to hear this............ Your Scarlet was my daughters sweet Scarlet. The picture that you posted of Scarlet is one that we took at the Julep Cup show in Lexington. The ribbon behind her was won by Scarlet........................................................................ If you want to read the following, here is a bit of history on Miss Scarlet - if not then again I am so sorry to hear this................................................................................... Years ago ( late 80's ?) we went to look at a mare that was for sale. While walking around the pasture a filly, Scarlet kept following our daughter Michelle (13 teenish) around. Michelle said, "oh daddy please buy her for me" so he did...... We took Scarlet home, cleaned her up & took her to her first horse show two weeks later. Michelle won a few blue ribbons with her. A trainer at the show asked Lee if Scarlet was for sale. Lee said you will have to talk to my wife & daughter about that. I had told Michelle that Scarlet was her horse & she would not be sold unless she wanted to - now what child is going to sell the horse that they just won blue ribbons with! At the next show the trainer offered $8,000 for Scarlet. I said NO again because long after the money has been spent Michelle would always remember that I broke my promise to her and a promise IS worth more than money................... Anyway Michelle showed Scarlet for a few years in halter & showmanship - winning many blue ribbons & having lots of fun. They became best buddies. Michelle went off to college & we bred Scarlet a few times but her foals were aborted between the 7th & 10th months (even the foal sired by Buck Echo). Extensive tests revealed no reason as to why she could not carry the foals to full term. Her one live foal we named Imagine That & is living like a king at a friends farm.... We sold Scarlet as a pet not to be bred again ................................................. I was thinking of Scarlet the other day when I was talking to my friend about I T (Imagine That).......................... I just stopped to pull out my picture album of Michelle & Scarlet. A few pictures in the show ring, one of Michelle laying in the pasture with Scarlet munching grass near her head, one with Michelle & our dog & one with Scarlet resting her head on the back of Michelles head..................... Brings back memories of how fond Michelle was of Scarlet & how well those two got along.................. I also have one of Michelles 15th birthday cake. I had taken a picture of Scarlet to the decorator & had her draw Scarlet on her cake............................................................................. Guess I'm getting long here, sorry.............. It seems your family was fond of sweet Miss Scarlet also......... Again I am so sorry - I know the sadness from losing a horse that you have loved for awhile. I am sorry that your children have to experience the loss of a beloved pet - bless them.