Ride today in the new saddle, seems to actually fit. But the pinto mini needs to be locked up or tied for me to ride. She becomes a viper in the tall grass when I ride my boy...Bad mini!!
Still have not asked him to trot at home, though, today, he trotted 3x on his own. It was because of the minis running past us. In a way, it is good practice for him to know to listen to me and not what is going on around him. He is getting pretty good at it, should help if we are in a group trail ride and the others spook, hoping he will know to ignore them and listen to me with this impromptu practice.
Muddy and messy, but still, so darn beautiful!

Yes, it's a dressage saddle! I fell in love with the feel or riding dressage during my lessons.

This was from the other day when I was checking the western saddle fit again. It failed, so I put it on consignment.

Up a scary hill...

Down the scary hill, tried to keep him from rushing down it.

...But the minis ran down the hill past us and my efforts failed...lol

Ohhhh, just found this smiley!!
Tehehe, great one!
Still have not asked him to trot at home, though, today, he trotted 3x on his own. It was because of the minis running past us. In a way, it is good practice for him to know to listen to me and not what is going on around him. He is getting pretty good at it, should help if we are in a group trail ride and the others spook, hoping he will know to ignore them and listen to me with this impromptu practice.
Muddy and messy, but still, so darn beautiful!

Yes, it's a dressage saddle! I fell in love with the feel or riding dressage during my lessons.

This was from the other day when I was checking the western saddle fit again. It failed, so I put it on consignment.

Up a scary hill...

Down the scary hill, tried to keep him from rushing down it.

...But the minis ran down the hill past us and my efforts failed...lol

Ohhhh, just found this smiley!!

Tehehe, great one!