He's home!
Meshed right back in with his girls as if he never left.
Tape measure say's he's now about 800 pounds! Poo....
Also, I think I am not measuring his height right, since it showed 13h and not 13.2h....uh-oh...
Got to ride the trainers super mare, very light, easy and quick to respond. Mare has a crazy back story, but the happiest ending. I've never ridden a horse doing anything but walking, trotting and turning while moving forward. So when I got to ride this mare and trainer told me how to get her to do this n that, it was the neatest thing ever!! Rollback turns, backing nicely, perfect stop, side passing, spinning, moving up to the wall, etc, all with the slightest leg and/or with a hint of rein. I was super jealous! But have an additional goal for my boy, to be just like that mare in ability and responsiveness!
Also, sat in her hard western saddle. Which, months ago, before my lessons would of been heck to ride in! But it was no issue today nor on Friday when I rode in it on my gelding. I must of learned how to properly sit or those posting muscles buffered a touch!