First of all Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all that know me its great to be back after a while away busy with life in general..I just had to come back and share my new addition with you all...he was a bit of a supprise and a spur of the moment decision..I know absolutely nothing about the history of this baby except that he was born around june/july of this year..I saw his mother and she was a very tiny chestnut with flaxen mane and tail in very poor condtion apparantly the stallion was even smaller...I only took the little man on because his next destination was the meat waggon which I was informed he would fetch £4 and rightly or wrongly in some peoples eyes i just couldnt let that happen...he arrived here at his new forever home on Christmas Eve at 8.30 am and has been kept in apart from a few brief walks out on a headcollar to have a quick munch on some fresh grass..I was told he had never had any human contact from birth and was out 24/7 on a waterlogged piece of waste ground..Its taken him 4 days to dry out..his coat is thick and matted and underneath hes a bag of bones..I wormed him the day he arrived and hes on a high protien diet with free fed hay..hes very tiny 18.5 inches...hes so so sweet and very quiet a bit too quiet i think for a pony thats not had any human contact..i carried him from the back of the van he was brought in to the stable..he didnt object!!..he was a lil reluctant to have a head collar on the first time not supprised at that but he accepted it and walked out with no fuss..i have the vet coming to vaccinate on Monday and give him the once over..but basically Iv fallen head over heals for this little guy..I appriciate he will never be a show pony or turn into a handsome prince but hes won my heart..he calls me when he hears me coming (as he cant see over the stable door) and he just wants to snuggle in and be loved ..such a sweetie..Im so glad we found eachother but am interested to hear if you think hes actually a dwarf or just tiny...I appriciate its a little hard to see under all that hair which im itching to clip off but I think hes been through enough for the moment..please be gentle lol

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