My recent conversation with a scammer

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Aug 17, 2003
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The following is an email conversation that I had with a recent scammer.

One of our local tv stations has a free website to list items. Well I was looking at the dogs, and a I ran across a listing for a Free English Bulldog female puppy There was a picture of her and she was gorgeous.

She was supposedly AKC reg. from Champion parents, etc, etc.

I thought it was probably a scam…but curiosity got to and I initially emailed asking about the puppy….. and why she was listed listed as free

Oh the recent picture of the puppy was an outside picture and there was green grass and scenery in the back ground and it is the dead of winter here and plenty of snow HUMMMM?

Anyway, the following is my first ever conversation with a scammer…

On 12/29/10 7:16 AM, "Ron Thomas" <> wrote:

Hi, thanks for your interest in my gorgeous English bulldog puppy. She is still available to any family prepared to provide her with enough care and love, a home where she will be well loved, and spoiled with all her needs. Her name is "Rachia" and she is a female purebred English bulldog, rachia is now 12 weeks old. She is of Champion grand-sire bloodline with 53 champions in her 5 generation pedigree, registered AKC, vet checked, and updated with all her vaccinations and deworming. Rachia is house broken, potty trained, and a good associate of kids and other house hold pets. This puppy is very Energetic and eager to learn, intelligent, independent and courageous.

Quick to determine where she fits in a household's "pack" Good companionship and friendly towards new people.

Please I would love to know more about you and your environment.


-Are you familiar with English Bulldogs?

-Do you have kids? Will they be loving towards rachia?

-Do you have a vet in your area?

-Where exactly are you located?


You will be able to have her as soon as we can sort things out.. All I need is a capable, competent, person to care for rachia. This is so because my present job schedule does not permit me to take care of the puppy the way I ought to. Hence, all I am asking for is just your assurance to give her the best home.

All you will be paying for this lovely puppy is $130 (I will explain the use of the $130 in the next email).

Get back to me with answers to the questions as that will at least give me an idea of the kind of home in which my loving puppy may soon be heading to.


Thanks and best regards

De : Cindy Leeper <>

À : Ron Thomas <>

Envoyé le : Mer 29 décembre 2010, 22h 41min 46s

Objet : Re: Re : English Bulldog puppy

Re: Re : English Bulldog puppy Oh that is an interesting name for her, I have never heard that name before.

In answer to your questions..

I have never owned a bulldog, but have owned many breeds of dogs through the years, although I did have a friend that had a I am familiar.

We have 2 grandchildren that live with us, that have been raised around we do not live in the city.... But on a small farm.

Yes, I have an excellent vet clinic that we have used for 30 years and have an excellent relationship with them.

We live outside of Sioux falls.

I have a few questions..

Where are you located?

The ad said sioux falls, but the picture taken of her does not appear to be taken around here. So just wondering about that.

Also, why are you asking so little for her? Most Bulldogs that I have even seen for sale, sell for much more than that.... So naturally, that does make me curious as to the reason she is priced as she is.

On 12/29/10 5:15 PM, "Ron Thomas" <> wrote:

Hello, reading through your email, I believe you can offer this puppy a caring home. So my decision is to offer the puppy to you and I hope you will take this as a challenge to proof your worth. I would love to have weekly or monthly up dates of the puppy and photos as well.


I will have to tell you a bit about myself and the reason why I decided to give out such a lovely puppy for adoption. Actually, I am a health researcher for the World Health Organization (WHO). I am from New York, NY. I was sent by my organization (WHO) to English Cameroon to come and research on the resistance of the Plasmodium falciparum parasite which causes about 80% of all Malaria cases. So I just relocated with the puppy from New York to English Cameroon where I work with the World Health Organization (WHO) for the fight against Malaria.


I am very busy with my research work so much that I do not have enough time to take proper care of the puppy again. For this reason, I decided to offer her for adoption to any caring person back in the U.S where she was born.


Rachia already has her return flight ticket available as I traveled with the puppy from USA to Cameroon just a couple of weeks back, and I paid for a two way air ticket for the puppy. It therefore imply the return flight of rachia has already been paid.


As I mentioned earlier, you are to pay just $130 for her, and the money is to be used for the activation of rachia's return flight ticket.


It will take approximately 6 hours for rachia to be shipped to your designated airport in the U.S, and the exporting agency will deliver her to you at your home address that you shall provide. So you will now have to provide all your information that will be used by the pet shipping agency for the shipping and delivery of rachia.


The required information for the shipping and delivery are;

Your full names ..

House address ...

City and zip code ....

Phone number ...

Name of the nearest airport to your location ...


As soon as I get all these information, I will immediately get in contact with the pet shipping agency and make all necessary arrangements for rachia's flight so she can be shipped to you ASAP.

When all is done, I will then provide you with the complete flight details so you will know the exact time when she will be shipped and delivered to your designated address.


Thanks & Best regards

De : Cindy Leeper <>

À : Ron Thomas <>

Envoyé le : Jeu 30 décembre 2010, 0h 35min 25s

Objet : Re: Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy

Re: Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy I am really quite surprised that you are only trying to scam me out of $130... Most scammers try for much more. But I must say, you have a little more original spin to the scams that I usually see. Oh duh, my bad... If you can scam just 10 people at $130 each... Well that is a decent days pay.

OH, can I send you a bogus check for the bogus dog LOL

On 12/29/10 6:03 PM, "Ron Thomas" <> wrote:


I wished u had given me the chance to start it up with you, then you would have known how much I can get from you alone starting with just the $130 lol

De : Cindy Leeper <>

À : Ron Thomas <>

Envoyé le : Jeu 30 décembre 2010, 1h 17min 24s

Objet : Re: Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy

Re: Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy I knew when I first read the ad that it was a scam. I have done enough buying and selling on the internet that you guys basically have the same line..


On 12/29/10 6:27 PM, "Ron Thomas" <> wrote:

am soo sorry to tell you i make atleast 7 thousand on bad days. It's too bad right? but honestly, we need your $$$ in order to keep our own people alive. 3 quarter of my daily earnings over the internet goes for charity. Just come to think of it, we got families that earns far less than a dollar a day, kids goes for days without eating, yet you Western people spend thousands on taking care of a dog? That sounds crap to me. I work over 10 hours a day over the internet and thank G.O.D the money comes in and I am able to make some few people happy.

De : Cindy Leeper <>

À : Ron Thomas <>

Envoyé le : Jeu 30 décembre 2010, 20h 05min 02s

Objet : Re: Re : Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy

Re: Re : Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy Wow $7,000 a day, what a guy you must be! I have never known someone that is so unselfish as you seem to be. You work all those hours scamming hardworking westerners, just to give 3/4th to charity... OH, I am sure that God has a special place for you.

I have tears flowing down my cheeks right now just thinking rough you have it.. It does make me wonder how you scammers can afford your computers, internet, etc. BTW, how does that work if you are in such a poor country that you can have those computers?

Yes, I suppose there are some here that spend thousands on their dogs.... I myself prefer to spend my thousands on the Pillow Pets, that are advertised on TV..... I have hundreds of them strewn around my house..... Have you seen the Pillow Pets? Oh, they are lovely little stuffed pets... And the best part is, you dont have to feed them.

You should try to come up with a scam for these wonderful Pillows..... I would buy at least a thousand from you, maybe more.... Yes, now that is a really good idea.....

On 12/30/10 1:51 PM, "Ron Thomas" <> wrote:

You know what!!! I don't need teddy bears or stuffs like that around me. I believe they are made for kids. I am not a fan of pets. I hate them!!!! animals are meant for food and not to be loved and cuddled. The much aching part that I will have to let you know is the fact that I actually do eat dogs and cats. They are my favorite source of protein

De: Cindy Leeper <>

Objet: Re: Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy

À: "Ron Thomas" <>

Date: Jeudi 30 décembre 2010, 20h08

Re: Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy Oh I agree, but I think Dog and Cat are both a little dry to eat, I prefer horse , but to each their own. Have you tried squirrel or chimpmunk, now they are tasty little tid bits. yumm. So I must ask, did you eat that nice little bulldog? And if so, how did you prepare her, fried, grilled or BBQd.

I am so glad that you are out there in cyberland, You are great for my amusement. LOL.

----- Forwarded Message

From: Ron Thomas <>

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 21:57:33 +0000 (GMT)

To: Cindy Leeper <>

Subject: Re: Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : English Bulldog puppy

will discuss tomorrow. I am soo busy now as I have a lot of airport and insurance emails to be sent.[/color]


LOL, I havent heard from him since.
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Now that is really an interesting exchange of information!!!!

I would suspect he also gives other breeds away "free!"
OMG! I am appaled! First of all I own two english bullies, they are my babies, and they cost me a bundle! This person is so sick! Thank you for posting if my hubby saw this ad he would be all over it to adopt of course, becuase according to him you can't have too many bullies.
WOW!!! I'm at a loss for words..... Thanks for posting this, it's very informative and I'll be sure to show EVRYONE I can!
I've never had a scammer email me I'm VERY glad they haven't. This was hilarious and incredibly appaling all at the same time. Thank you for posting
I've never had a scammer email me I'm VERY glad they haven't. This was hilarious and incredibly appaling all at the same time. Thank you for posting

My thoughts exactly!
That was one chatty scammer.

Are there REALLY that many people that fall for those scams that he can make $7000 even on a bad day???? Was he actually telling the truth, or was he just making it sound good? Yikes. I suppose there must be some that fall for it or the scammers would give up on trying to run those scams. But that much on any given day??
That was one chatty scammer.

Are there REALLY that many people that fall for those scams that he can make $7000 even on a bad day???? Was he actually telling the truth, or was he just making it sound good? Yikes. I suppose there must be some that fall for it or the scammers would give up on trying to run those scams. But that much on any given day??

I know, i thought the same thing. If there is that kind of money in scamming, no wonder you see so many of these scammer emails.
Ok, I could admit that this guy is probably a scammer, however, he is also pulling your chain about it all to irritate you back. My mother always told me to believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear.
I laughed.. is that bad? I believe most (well, maybe half) of what he told you was true, except for the 3/4 to charity part. Many parts of the world have no use for pets and find it disgraceful that we spend our money on animals that we don't eat. They'd find me really disgusting; I have two dozen "pets". I count my blessings that I can afford to keep them.
I laughed so hard I almost spit my coffee out. Way too funny. Im really shocked you got one to tell the truth.

LOL. That was fun
This is a common scam (it's on our local classified site, too). If someone offers an AKC or CKC registered animal for $250 (or $130
), run away.
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I have to say that I laughed...I mean I was also very upset to think that of all the B.S lies he was telling you, But you did very well on your part. I'm sure he doesn't get that alot from the people he scams! Good for you!
I give you 2 thumbs up!! YOU YANKED HIS/HER/THEIR chain. Your replies cracked me up. You remained so cool once the fools realized they were busted. It is so sad that so many foreigners view us as they do. The good ole US of A has always been so charitable and compassionate to the less fortunate and look where it has got us. They might not even be foreign. But definitely a scammer aka thief. I encounter them when I advertise on puppyfind and they normally are very obvious. Sometimes not, but I have them investigated and when they prove to be scammers I usually send them emails comparable with yours although not so witty. Usually I mention something about hunting them down and putting them in my crosshairs.
Or I start giving them artificial praise for their admirable occupations/causes before I nuke them with a BUSTED reply.
Wow, that's a first! Very interesting exchange, have to wonder if he really makes anywhere near that much. They obviously make money at it or wouldn't keep scamming... Thanks for posting.


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