Well-Known Member
Last spring, we adopted a "rescue" mare (her owner gave her to us because she could not care for her any longer). She had foundered and was thin (unlike most foundered horses who are obese). We have been trying different things to try to get her weight up and she had gained some, but now that we have moved, her weight has dropped again. Before we moved, we fed in their individual stalls, so everyone got an exact portion. Now, they are just in a pasture and I feed in buckets attached to the fence, so of course the horses most aggressive get the most (altho she is one of the aggressive ones!), so it makes it harder get make sure everyone is getting their share. At this point, I have no other way to feed unless I feed each horse on a lead away from everyone else til they finish, which would take me hours to feed everyone that way! All the other horses are at good weight.
I need some suggestions on how to get weight on her without making the others gain too much weight (by feeding a higher calorie feed).
BTW, I am feeding the Purina Mini feed and rolled oats with alfalfa cubes and they have some grass (not much) in the pasture.
I need some suggestions on how to get weight on her without making the others gain too much weight (by feeding a higher calorie feed).
BTW, I am feeding the Purina Mini feed and rolled oats with alfalfa cubes and they have some grass (not much) in the pasture.