Overall...I'd do it again. And I would encourage others to do the same if they are up to it. Here are some of the pros and cons that have come to my mind since doing it.
All in all, I would do it again. I learned some things that will make a future one easier (like if I'm willing to take payments to say that up front - don't make people have to ask) and I sold 8 of my horses to what seem like GREAT homes!
And some folks are still emailing me so I will probably sell a couple more in the process.
If you have horses to sell, have a website, can make your own changes to the site (don't have to pay someone to do it) I would encourage you to buddy up with some of your friends and go for it!! Advertise it here on LB as a feature ad - it's SO worth the exposure you will get! You can't buy advertising like that anywhere else for the $. I also advertised it on Facebook and via some of my friends' sites as well, but LB did the most for me.
If anyone has questions about doing their own, feel free to contact me. It's really a great new option to consider and having survived it (
) I do suggest others try it. There's really nothing to lose but some of your time.
PS: and if you can't make changes to your own site, contact someone like Heather at Marestare and I bet she could offer you some options.
- The horses never leave the property so the possibility of injury, catching a virus, trauma of a trailer ride, being in a new place, etc is eliminated. This was a HUGE consideration for me.
- I had an opportunity to screen potential buyers. Another HUGE consideration for me. I stated in the auction rules that I reserved the right to ask for references PRIOR to accepting the first bid from anyone. As the person running the auction, this added work (so a con) but was well worth it in the end as an owner which made it on the pro side for me.
- If there was a piece of information I failed to gather on a horse, I could just get it, not like if the horse was already in the ring and then it dawned on me I should have added an important piece of info about the horse. Just add it to the site.
- Time! I had TIME to get to know people, time to share all the info I had on each horse, time to check references, etc. I didn't feel rushed...well, until the end!lol But that will go in the con section!
- It cost me nothing but my time to do!
- The end of the auction is a nightmare - emails, calls, etc. I finally just shut the page down and went through my emails and where there were two bids, I made sure I took the one that was before the end time. But it's a little stressful while it's going on.
- Can't make everyone happy. Some folks were ticked about not getting a certain horse and some folks were ticked about me asking them for references. Personally, I don't feel responsible for either as I stated in the auction rules that I reserve the right to ask for references and I also clearly stated the end time. But still some folks were upset.
- It takes time to get the pictures, verbiage, etc ready to go. But really I'd have to do this if I was selling the horse another way, but it is a bit overwhelming to have it ready for all horses at once.
- Having too few horses to offer a variety. For this reason, I had some other farms join me. I would HIGHLY suggest this approach to anyone considering doing an online auction - buddy up with a couple of other farms to offer more options and share in any advertising costs, etc.
- The rush at the end!
All in all, I would do it again. I learned some things that will make a future one easier (like if I'm willing to take payments to say that up front - don't make people have to ask) and I sold 8 of my horses to what seem like GREAT homes!

If you have horses to sell, have a website, can make your own changes to the site (don't have to pay someone to do it) I would encourage you to buddy up with some of your friends and go for it!! Advertise it here on LB as a feature ad - it's SO worth the exposure you will get! You can't buy advertising like that anywhere else for the $. I also advertised it on Facebook and via some of my friends' sites as well, but LB did the most for me.
If anyone has questions about doing their own, feel free to contact me. It's really a great new option to consider and having survived it (

PS: and if you can't make changes to your own site, contact someone like Heather at Marestare and I bet she could offer you some options.