My turn for good thoughts and a prayer please

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Colic is no fun - hope your mares get through it quickly. Dermosodan - is that the "d" word you were looking for? Great stuff.

Hope your gassy girl is deflated by now
: Man that must have been scary. Hope she continues to improve.
Yes, Jan... Dermosadan! That's it! IT really helped. Things are MUCH better today. We have MANURE!!

I am so thrilled!!!

Thank you all for you concern and prayers. Its been a rough few days, but both girls look much better now. Whew! That was a close one!!

Thanks again!

Robin --

Phew!!! I'm happy things are better now. Dormosedan is GOOD stuff. I've used it actually when I need a little help clipping some of my less cooperative horses (per the vets' advice). It works great and he said there's no reason not to use it.

YIPPEE! Go Gracie, "GO"!! :bgrin

I'm so glad to hear she's feeling better Robin, I was just about to email you and ask how she is.

Robin too

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