Well-Known Member
My JRT Rocky is at the vets. She vomited yesterday at 5 A.M. I didnt think much about it she always has her nose in something in the back yard (which is why she isn't allowed to go out to the barn) she will vomit once or twice and then be fine. She ate breakfast and was fine until afternoon she vomited her dinner at 4:30 and I gave her a little bit of yogurt up that came. She started panting off and on which she never does unless she is in pain. She also shakes, (she was a rescue and I think beaten) and she shakes when she thinks she is going to get in trouble for having a accident in the house(we have never even had to discipline her) She wanted to be in my lap all the time, she is usually content to sleep in her corner of the couch. We went to bed she usually likes to sleep under the covers she wanted to stay on top of the blankets. She vomited again at 11, drank some water acted more comfortable I took her temp. at 12 it was normal, she settled down to sleep. She woke me up at 2:30 with her face in mine, which usually means she wants something. I laid with her we slept off and on she got me up at 6. She was just not acting herself, when I get up they run to the laundry room where their food bowls are. She didnt even want to go in there. She went out and perked up when she saw the barn cat. Came in and laid at my feet looking very unhappy, she usually has her little nubby tail wagging all the time, she has kept it close to her rear. Called the vet as soon as the office opened and in we went. They are keeping her for the day doing tests, giving her IVs to hydrate her, she was slightly dehydrated, not surprising. They are thinking maybe pancreatitis. She is approx. 10 years old, and the nicest Jack I have ever been around (after all I am a Corgi person). To add more stress, I got the estimate on the vet bill for the day it will be 698.00. In these hard financial times that's a lot of money and they want it all when I pick her up, no down payment and no payments. Kathy