Dear Aunties,
My deepest apologies, I have failed you. today started stormy so to save grass and avoid mud I left horses in. We have one mare with lameness issues and a very small stall (her owners choice not mine). So... with horses being in I moved the lame horse to the foaling stall and moved Charm and Topaz into the tiny stall. We got home a bit after 2 and the weather had cleared. In my eagerness to get the babies out side I did not bring a camera...
Topaz was doing figure 8's digging in tight at the turns then decided to do an impromptu barrel pattern using the hay feeder and momma as barrels (thus requiring that mommas head be jumped to keep the turn tight), then onto bucking and kicking and then a cutting horse display complete with spins. sliding stops with backing and all the attitude of a big horse! ROFL!