Naming foals over the years

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2009
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Cameron, NC
I have named a lot of babies. But there are many others on this forum (diane is one) that have named many more than I have...

I'd have to do a recount of how many babies we've had... Hmmm...

Patty produced - Stuffy, Shado & Spirit.

Sunny produced - Rainy & Rascal (& sunspirit after we sold her in foal).

Satin came with Devlin (we named him) & then produced - Vixen, Lacey, Jewel, Star, Simi and Velvet.

Sioux produced - Jammy, Minx, Apache, Cherokee & Shield.

Magic produced - Pixie, Frosty, Twister & Toro.

Chaunter produced - Blizzard, Ari & Ellona.

Rhythem produced - IC & Gel.

Pretty Girl (aka PG) produced - ShiAnn (deceased shortly after birth - lungs didn't develop) and Sami (Samiri).

Star produced - Surprise, Flower, Comet & Rocket.

In 2009 - we purchased 3 sucklings/weanlings and named them - Kechara (but I call her Kechi), KoKo & Kreature.

Stuffy produced - Cupid, Wyndy & Rio.

Bell produced - GG & Classy.

Koalah produced - Ranger (purchased in foal), Flashi, Shamrock, Bunny & Kava.

Tory produced - Oly & Echo.

Taff produced - Royale (dummy foal that passed 3 days after birth - w/ treatment).

Cheri produced - Dandy.

'Clipse produced - Riddler

K-La produced - Blitzen.

WHEW - that's 51 babies we've named since 1996.

We had 2 other foals that were deceased before or during birth and weren't named (Sioux - 13.3 hh was bred to an Arab stallion - 14hh- when I purchased her. The colt was over 100#s @ birth, which isn't usual, and had his air cut off too long, I broke the sack and tried my darndest to resuscitate him. She had no bruising and no tears. Bit, after several slipped foals, lost one late term approx 4-6 weeks before foaling - he had hair and was a silver pinto).

We have 3 foals coming this year - soon? I leave for IA tomorrow afternoon - I'll bet GG and KoKo will foal this weekend while I'm at my aunt's funeral??
My family wouldn't understand (Mom would) - but the loss of one, bringing about the birth of another... OI - my aunt's family would be highly upset and I will have to remember NOT to use that analogy while I'm there!
WOW!!! It's funny how we remember each little one we have had over the years! But you have an awesome list!

We'll just have to hope that no one delivers while you are away. You're too important to these little mommas to have them go without you!!

We'll miss you over the weekend, so come back soon -- and "hint...hint" with a few pictures of these little mommas!
Thanx, Diane! Will have laptop with me and my family will be sending any pics if we have babies so no worries there. I've found out about a few others that way, too, LOL. And I've done well with them - surprisingly - we've really "been there" or shortly after birth starts for the ones that needed it. I've been thankful not to have a red bag experience and hope never to do so (though with the numbers we've had, that's probably in the wings). "Dummy foal" syndrome isn't much better - and we've tried different treatments - only one we've had didn't make it - we've had several. Will be taking reference pics in a little bit - so we have pics on our thread again. I know that both mares have developed much more udder.

Carly - I DO like the name of Texas! If it works for you, I say you go for it. It's funny how names can grab you... So many have so much meaning. Some just come. As you see, we have many named for the weather - but I didn't/don't really like "Stormy". When Wyndy was born, it was cloudy (truly the same color as her body a couple of times) so I was looking up names for clouds - Cirrus, cumulonimbus (can't remember them all - but spent a lot of time on looking online/dictionary). Then daughter came home and said, "wow, she sure chose a "windy" day to come"... or something like that and then we did a twist on spelling.

Actually the kids have had a hand in a lot of the names, weather and holidays in others. Rainy was actually born on Memorial Day, but it was also POURING RAIN in MT when she came along. Rainy "stuck". Blizzard, Frosty & IC (actually IC Snap) were all born in January - in SNOW in NC. Ranger was born on May 1st - but went thru the fence as he was getting his legs under him... While frantically looking for our foal, he was "ranging" - he was found about a 1/4 mile away next to the road... Our oldest was driving by then - took her jeep and went and got him - all 44 #s of him. His name became May Day Ranger - and he is one our our 3 ASPC/AMHR ponies. You wouldn't know it, but Gel is a play on Jelly Bean - foaled on Easter (we spelled her name Gel-E-Bean). Names are FUN and FUNNY how they all come to be and work out.

I also have to be careful of names. The reason - while you may name a foal based on it's arrival and/or personality when you name it, I feel you can also "lock in" that personality. I've come to regret a few - notably "Ari" (Ayre Games) and "Ellon" (explained in previous post)...
both out of the same Arab mare (hmm, maybe that's why I never bred her again???). I've actually worked hard to change a few names that tried to stick!

I've always hoped to use the name of Silver Down (a farm name in a horse based fantasy story) and call the foal "Downy" - but it's never fit any we've had. I have others I can pull from as well.

We did "lists" of names for our daughters, too...
Ummm.... Kinda funny - we have an S1, S2 (anybody familiar with military terms?
- tho not why we chose those names) and an "M" in the middle (Skye, Madira - usually called 'Dira - & Sierra).

and, Gee, another looooonnnnnggggg post!
We just love your long posts and all the information you share. Keep it up!!
Wow!! Thats a lot of babies!! I love all the names! I'll list mine haha, mines tiny

Willow produced- Lou-Lou, Bam-Bam

Lou-Lou produced- Clancy

Misty produced- Pickles

Snickas produced- Texas.


Thats it haha. Although we didnt have Lou-Lou as a foal, she was 4. But we know she was Willow's foal.

But so far I have had 17 horses since 2008, but 5 belonged to family friends but they lived on our property for 3 years and I treated and loved them as my own:

My Minis: Willow, Bam-Bam, Toby, Snickas, Steve, Primrose, Elliot, Kevin, Texas.

Friends Minis: Billy, Misty, Pickles, Lou-Lou, Clancy.

Shetlands: Dusty and Goldie.

And my TB mare Sunshine.


Ooh! More babies to add to your list!

I have more photos of my (Snickas actually) crazy ball of fluff!
I still remember to this day every TB baby we had with their barn and show names and who they were out of haha

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