Well-Known Member
I have named a lot of babies. But there are many others on this forum (diane is one) that have named many more than I have...
I'd have to do a recount of how many babies we've had... Hmmm...
Patty produced - Stuffy, Shado & Spirit.
Sunny produced - Rainy & Rascal (& sunspirit after we sold her in foal).
Satin came with Devlin (we named him) & then produced - Vixen, Lacey, Jewel, Star, Simi and Velvet.
Sioux produced - Jammy, Minx, Apache, Cherokee & Shield.
Magic produced - Pixie, Frosty, Twister & Toro.
Chaunter produced - Blizzard, Ari & Ellona.
Rhythem produced - IC & Gel.
Pretty Girl (aka PG) produced - ShiAnn (deceased shortly after birth - lungs didn't develop) and Sami (Samiri).
Star produced - Surprise, Flower, Comet & Rocket.
In 2009 - we purchased 3 sucklings/weanlings and named them - Kechara (but I call her Kechi), KoKo & Kreature.
Stuffy produced - Cupid, Wyndy & Rio.
Bell produced - GG & Classy.
Koalah produced - Ranger (purchased in foal), Flashi, Shamrock, Bunny & Kava.
Tory produced - Oly & Echo.
Taff produced - Royale (dummy foal that passed 3 days after birth - w/ treatment).
Cheri produced - Dandy.
'Clipse produced - Riddler
K-La produced - Blitzen.
WHEW - that's 51 babies we've named since 1996.
We had 2 other foals that were deceased before or during birth and weren't named (Sioux - 13.3 hh was bred to an Arab stallion - 14hh- when I purchased her. The colt was over 100#s @ birth, which isn't usual, and had his air cut off too long, I broke the sack and tried my darndest to resuscitate him. She had no bruising and no tears. Bit, after several slipped foals, lost one late term approx 4-6 weeks before foaling - he had hair and was a silver pinto).
We have 3 foals coming this year - soon? I leave for IA tomorrow afternoon - I'll bet GG and KoKo will foal this weekend while I'm at my aunt's funeral??
My family wouldn't understand (Mom would) - but the loss of one, bringing about the birth of another... OI - my aunt's family would be highly upset and I will have to remember NOT to use that analogy while I'm there!
I'd have to do a recount of how many babies we've had... Hmmm...
Patty produced - Stuffy, Shado & Spirit.
Sunny produced - Rainy & Rascal (& sunspirit after we sold her in foal).
Satin came with Devlin (we named him) & then produced - Vixen, Lacey, Jewel, Star, Simi and Velvet.
Sioux produced - Jammy, Minx, Apache, Cherokee & Shield.
Magic produced - Pixie, Frosty, Twister & Toro.
Chaunter produced - Blizzard, Ari & Ellona.
Rhythem produced - IC & Gel.
Pretty Girl (aka PG) produced - ShiAnn (deceased shortly after birth - lungs didn't develop) and Sami (Samiri).
Star produced - Surprise, Flower, Comet & Rocket.
In 2009 - we purchased 3 sucklings/weanlings and named them - Kechara (but I call her Kechi), KoKo & Kreature.
Stuffy produced - Cupid, Wyndy & Rio.
Bell produced - GG & Classy.
Koalah produced - Ranger (purchased in foal), Flashi, Shamrock, Bunny & Kava.
Tory produced - Oly & Echo.
Taff produced - Royale (dummy foal that passed 3 days after birth - w/ treatment).
Cheri produced - Dandy.
'Clipse produced - Riddler
K-La produced - Blitzen.
WHEW - that's 51 babies we've named since 1996.
We had 2 other foals that were deceased before or during birth and weren't named (Sioux - 13.3 hh was bred to an Arab stallion - 14hh- when I purchased her. The colt was over 100#s @ birth, which isn't usual, and had his air cut off too long, I broke the sack and tried my darndest to resuscitate him. She had no bruising and no tears. Bit, after several slipped foals, lost one late term approx 4-6 weeks before foaling - he had hair and was a silver pinto).
We have 3 foals coming this year - soon? I leave for IA tomorrow afternoon - I'll bet GG and KoKo will foal this weekend while I'm at my aunt's funeral??