National Area 1 Show in Horseheads NY

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Who is going to the show this weekend in Horseheads NY?

I want to be sure to catch up to you and say, Hi!
Okay this is weird... I was eating popcorn and watching tv and all of a sudden this thread popped back open. I swear I did not touch it... Karla, we must be fated to meet! lol

I have no idea what the heck I will be wearing! LOL But I'll be carrying cameras photographing my daughter, Sarah. I'm tall, overweight, blonde, wear glasses, and will be beat red in the face if it is hot or humid. And if I'm wearing shorts, I will have extremely white legs! And I only wear Birkenstock sandals!

Sarah is very tall and has blonde, shoulder length hair. She will probably be showing a palomino stallion on Friday. He's two and this is his first show, so he will probably be screaming at all the girls!

We're also showing Feather, our black mare.
We will be there with 2 minis and a shetland. Kim is 16 and Courtney is 10. Kim is there to qualify for nationals. Kim is tall with long dark hair and Courtney has the longest blond hair. I'll probably be the one bent over because several people want their horses trimmed. Linda
We'll be there.

I am just bringing Chantilly. We should be arriving Thursday night and will be showing in youth obstacle (God, help me. I have been training her for more things but I don't know how she will act when she does it in the show), youth showmanship, youth country pleasure, and youth halter mares. }

Hope to see you there! To find us go into the camping area by the washracks. We will have a trailer saying "Fox Glen Farm" and a truck camper. I will be the younger blonde with dirt everywhere and a nervous look on her face. This is the biggest show I have ever been to.

Good luck everyone!!!!
I won't be there, but if I were, I'd be the one who looks like Cindy Crawford's prettier, younger sister. Really. I swear!
Aww, thanks Karla!

Is Lyn going? I feel bad because I'm not bringing Jubilee and I would have liked her to see her. Jubilee is just going through a very, VERY, gawky stage right now and she stands no chance at the moment.
I'll be there! I should be pretty easy to find, Tracy. :bgrin

Karla, if you think you see Hillary and me again, that's probably Tracy and/or her daughter with us. We suckered them into bringing horses for us. See you thought we were good last time with 8, this time I have 8, Hillary has 4 and Tracy is, I believe, bringing 2.

Jessica, I might get brave enough to say "hi" this time. We were standing right next to you at Mini-Rama but you looked like you were getting ready to go in so I didn't want to intrude.
I hope to get down Saturday or Sunday to watch and catch up with some friends. Won't be showing (darn) ... but will enjoy anyway!

You can recognize me easy - I'm the one in the speeding wheelchair!

Jessica, I might get brave enough to say "hi" this time. We were standing right next to you at Mini-Rama but you looked like you were getting ready to go in so I didn't want to intrude.
Don't be afraid to say hi! I don't bite. I don't know what you look like so you may have to do the introducing ;)

I will probably be more relaxed and easy to talk to since my classes are so spread out.
[SIZE=14pt]I will be there with Sweet Tart, Heather powell is bringing Starstruck and her moms little mare. Look for us everyone. I wont recognize any faces so you will have to just say who you are.[/SIZE]

I'll be there with Eileen, we are brining 9
: . I still have 1 more to get clipped. We will be there sometime Friday thru Sunday. Hopefully it is nice weather, does anyone know how the roads are after all the flooding last week? I know rt 17 was closed in spots, wondering if it is opened back up from Bingampton to Horseheads?
Hopefully it is nice weather, does anyone know how the roads are after all the flooding last week? I know rt 17 was closed in spots, wondering if it is opened back up from Bingampton to Horseheads?
That would be good to know, we don't know any other way to get there?
Scott and myself will be there with Lyn Jacobs, Cheryl & Heather Powell, Debbie Paul and Bruce Abbott and the rest of the whole gang. We are bringing three driving horses with us.

Stop by and introduce yourselves, we sure would like to meet you all.

Everyone "Have a safe trip to the show at Horseheads NY" :aktion033:
I just called NYDOT and they said 81 and 17 are both totally open now :aktion033:
I "hope" to go. I'll be the one with the absolutely adorable little grandson in a blue stroller. can someone tell me when Fridays begins?
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Showing on Friday and Sunday... look for "the fat black and white mare that jumps." I am usually at the end of the lead! :bgrin

Intrepid and Nefertiti will make their debut - Intrepid and I are tackling Modern Jumping and Modern Halter Obstacle. I am sure we have a lot of kinks to work out! I will be the bewildered one with the wild bay mare in that case.

Intrepid and Neffie are showing in Halter on Sunday. Neffie is the dark bay spitfire.

Good luck to all and a safe drive to everyone coming out! My regular car overheated yesterday so I am praying that the road angels keep us rolling and safe!


Silversong Farm
Kennedy and I are coming on Friday!! To watch! To cheer!

How will we know each other? :lol:
Karla - glad you came to the show and said Hello!

Right after we talked, I had a "senior moment" in my Open Hunter class (I forgot my course - I was trying to remember all my courses and my brain went into overload) and we did not place - Mercy was pretty pouty after that one (she likes success after hearing applause many times when we did well) but it was so my fault! I owed her an apology as it was "pilot" error! I also wish my son Ben could have seen that one - he has said I "never mess up." He would have had a good laugh at my mistake! We all learn from experiences like this!
: :bgrin

Mercy also showed with my friend's daughter Emma and Mercy was especially good with her - Emma is petite and Mercy was polite and respectful of her young handler - she can be a strong, bullheaded horse if she is feeling to be inclined that way.

We redeemed ourselves in our Amateur Jumper and Open Jumper classes. :bgrin Mercy celebrated by coming home and rolling to get herself as dirty as she possibly could!

Big applause to Lucky Four Sloe Gin Fizz and Julie Colf on achieving his Hall of Fame yesterday and to Kristina Slobody for two of the most awesome Youth Jumper runs I have ever seen in my life!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

We return tomorrow to Horseheads to show our Modern Shetlands Intrepid and Nefertiti...this is a definite learning curve for all three of us! It won't be pretty but I am treating it as a good learning experience for all of us!
: I feel one can always teach an old dog new tricks!


Silversong Farm
The Area 1 show was an INCREDIBLE show and very well run..... Laura Mullen's shows are the best!..... I met a lot of nice people and a few forum members, and had a great time. My trainer and I tried Liberty for the first time(And had a blast!!!) with my driving horse and suprisingly won! The hunter, Jumper and Driving classes were HUGE!!!

Big applause to Lucky Four Sloe Gin Fizz and Julie Colf on achieving his Hall of Fame yesterday and to Kristina Slobody for two of the most awesome Youth Jumper runs I have ever seen in my life!!
Hi Denise,

Thank you for the compliment on my jumper runs :lol: ....... Jumper has become one of my favorite classes!!! I also had a "moment" in Open Hunter and forgot the course......

Hi Denise,

Thank you for the compliment on my jumper runs :lol: ....... Jumper has become one of my favorite classes!!! I also had a "moment" in Open Hunter and forgot the course......

Glad I am not the only one who almost forgot her course but you are way too young for "senior moments"! :lol: When my son Ben (now almost 15) had those moments, we called it getting "sucked into the Show Zone" - a place where you cannot hear your trainer, parents, spouses or well-wishers and it goes for all horse disciplines. Ben also had the "I am ignoring my mom now" syndrome!" thing going, until Mercy did exactly what I told Ben she would do, and then it clicked for him. :bgrin

I love your black gelding - he was definitely in his element in the Jumper courses! Glad to hear you are enjoying the Jumper classes... I like them and the Hunters myself but as old as I am, I certainly won't pass a soundness check... just haven't learned to act my age!!! :lol:

Was Gossip there? She was one of my favorites in 2004.

Good thing Mercy is kind to me and is a point-and-go type of horse that sees her distances, even on the tight turns... I took some chances setting her up to jump some fences at an angle that would have baffled some of my other horses at home and she did her job getting over clear!

I agree, it was an awesome show. On a slightly off-topic note, I attempted the Modern and Modern Pleasure rings for the first time... my Modern foal was the explosive bay baby with the red and white ribbons and a hot temper to match! Julie was wonderful babysitting her - she helped to show her that there are other folks in the world beside her "adopted" mom!

My Modern Pleasure mare did a great job for me - she is a nice mare for me to start with, despite a few conformational faults but toward the end of our classes, we were finally clicking.

Hope everyone arrived home safely!


Silversong Farm

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