Well-Known Member
Who is going to the show this weekend in Horseheads NY?
I want to be sure to catch up to you and say, Hi!
I want to be sure to catch up to you and say, Hi!
Don't be afraid to say hi! I don't bite. I don't know what you look like so you may have to do the introducingJessica, I might get brave enough to say "hi" this time. We were standing right next to you at Mini-Rama but you looked like you were getting ready to go in so I didn't want to intrude.
That would be good to know, we don't know any other way to get there?Hopefully it is nice weather, does anyone know how the roads are after all the flooding last week? I know rt 17 was closed in spots, wondering if it is opened back up from Bingampton to Horseheads?
Karla - glad you came to the show and said Hello!Kennedy and I are coming on Friday!! To watch! To cheer!
How will we know each other? :lol:
Hi Denise,Big applause to Lucky Four Sloe Gin Fizz and Julie Colf on achieving his Hall of Fame yesterday and to Kristina Slobody for two of the most awesome Youth Jumper runs I have ever seen in my life!!
Glad I am not the only one who almost forgot her course but you are way too young for "senior moments"! :lol: When my son Ben (now almost 15) had those moments, we called it getting "sucked into the Show Zone" - a place where you cannot hear your trainer, parents, spouses or well-wishers and it goes for all horse disciplines. Ben also had the "I am ignoring my mom now" syndrome!" thing going, until Mercy did exactly what I told Ben she would do, and then it clicked for him. :bgrinHi Denise,
Thank you for the compliment on my jumper runs :lol: ....... Jumper has become one of my favorite classes!!! I also had a "moment" in Open Hunter and forgot the course......