National GRAND Champion Stallion Over

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Congratulations to Jennifer Radoi of Sweet Opal Miniatures & Shetlands for having her stallion ''BHR-JCs Geshan'' place National Grand Champion Stallion!!!


She's a good friend of mine and lives here near me, she just called me with the news. I am so excited for her! He's an amazing little horse, he just HOFd in halter this year too... and she wants to go for his shetland HOF next I think. Anyway, I was excited to hear the news and thought I'd share with her other Forum friends. (And SEE? I predicted he would do something at Nationals!)

Very nice Jennifer!

Also, just wanted to add i think she had Geshan up for stud on the auction for Marty so GO JENNIFER :aktion033:!!! Also i seen him on the back cover of The Journal.

He is my type of horse lol
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Oh Andrea, that is so funny, we were posting at the exact same time, about the exact same thing, lol!! :lol: :bgrin
Oooooo, I was there and watched the class, WHAT A STUNNING horse. :new_shocked: :new_shocked: Very well deserved. Congrats!!
oh WOW! I LOVE that body type WHEW he is Just Stunning!
Stunning just doesn't begin to describe that boy! :new_shocked: CONGRATULATIONS on a very well deserved win! :aktion033:
Hooray Geeshan and Jennifer. I think he is absolutely gorgeous and am so happy I purchased the breeding when it was on the auction. My little mare is confirmed in foal and we're hoping for a beautiful baby in 2007.
Wow, he is gorgeous! Congratulations Geeshan and Jennifer!
OMG :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :aktion033: :aktion033: :new_shocked: He is GORGEOUS Congratulations!

WHOOO HOOO!!!!!!! I'm a fan of his! He's GORGEOUS!!!!

Congratulations on your great win Jennifer!

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

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