Neat sight defining your totem

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2004
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After reading the tatoo post about totems I wondered hmmmm what is mine
I found this sight with interesting definations and I took this TEST and I am in fact a Donkey
: .

Then read about them here...

Just thought I would share

Edited to add OBVIOUSLY donkeys should try to type at 6 am LOL
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This post just tickles me! If more folks realized they had a totem or 2 or 3 they would have an easier time discovering who they are and their path in life may become smoother.

I have always know my totems. They are first and always "the hawk" followed by but no less important, "the cat".

I didn't know a few things about the cat, reading the end caught my attention quick as recently a big skin and bones yellow cat was dropped here. Poor kitty said, "the name is Sami". Sami is improving but was SO thin and bloated with what I took for worms and eyes were weeping. I wormed and fixed the eyes and a few days later Sami had 5 kittens. I can hardly wait to see what this cat has to teach me. I'm pretty stressed out about my horse Treasure and I know when I stroke Sami she looks at me so wisely and serenely and I feel better. Better able to focus and try to help my mare.

Anyone else?

Had to come back as I "missed" the test link, upon testing I was 100% eagle, I guess that works for me!
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I tested as a Salmon....explains alot....I should have been a nun....
Thanks! This was neat! I had a 4 way tie, Dog, Snake, Salmon, and an Eagle. On my tie breaking question my totem was a Dog! And actually after reading what each ment the Dog fits me best out of the 4.

Pretty cool! :aktion033:

Apparently I am a Bull (must be a Dexter)

Not sure I am though.

Maybe .....loose in a china shop???

Deb, Treasure is going to be OK you are stressing for no good reason, which is what Sami is trying to tell you!!!!
Thank you, Jane, you're probably right but you and I know we feel the pain they do and it breaks my heart. Sami will be coming into the house today with her children.
hmmmm.... I read more...about my other totems.... wolf and snake...but when it came to Dragon, there is no description...very interesting!
Wolf, which doesn't really surprise me. I've always had a facination and admiration for them. The wolf picture they showed actually looks like a portion of a big one that I have hanging in my office. My other spirit guide (not from this test) is the Bobcat, I once had a long and intense meeting with one as a child.
Interesting Julie
: I am a "Wolf"... I gotta get my hubby to take the test...I wonder if he is a wolf too?
I've always had a great kinship for large birds of prey and so no surprise to see the Eagle as the top result, but a tie w/the Crow, again another kinship and fondness for them and their ways. I am listening to "our" Raven right now, probably upset w/me because we did not put out our usual nummy array of leftovers because we ate out last night instead of at home.

Hubby just went out and tossed him a leftover cupcake. Maybe he'll be happy now!

Fun test!

Hmm, my totem is an Eagle followed by a tie with bear and dog. Interesting.
Very interesting, I tied with Deer and Crow. Could they have been any more opposite?
: The funny thing is...I definately see why these are my totems. I think that others see me as the deer, as I do myself most of the time. However, I feel deeply connected to the crow as well, as this is the darker side of me that not many see, if that makes any sense.
After reading the tatoo post about totems I wondered hmmmm what is mine
I found this sight with interesting definations and I took this TEST and I am in fact a Donkey
: .

Then read about them here...

Just thought I would share

Edited to add OBVIOUSLY donkeys should try to type at 6 am LOL
I am the one with totem tattoos............I took the test and it is fun for entertainment but that was about it

Getting to know and working with totems is a wonderful thing as these energy guides can help you in times of trouble...usually they are discovered by accident sometimes it is so obvious you literally trip over them :bgrin other times it is a totem that is chosen by you because you need it's assitance. Play the game and have fun learning more about the large world of totems........
Mine is the dog, followed by the horse ...very interesting. Both dog and horse guide me quite to the "t" as noted in the article site. This is pretty cool!!!
I love Native American ways of thinking, I am like 1/24th Native American or something like that LOL so maybe a teeny bit trickled down? Who knows. Anyways, I scored as a deer. I read the description and it fits well too. Very cool!

I have a 5 way tie. Wolf, Bear, Dog, Salmon, Fox. My tie breaker made me a wolf. Honestly, they each have a lot of truth to who I am. But out of the bunch, a wolf fits best as to who I am. It is no wonder that a wolf is one of my most favorite animals. I even own a husky as that is one of the closest relatives to them. Laughs.

Of course the other 4 are really close as well.

After the tie, a horse is what is next.
3 way tie with Bear,Salmon,Horse.....I think I'm some of all 3......

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