Well-Known Member
This morning our Dreamer went into labor, she wasn't due until May 27. Nothing was emerging, I called the equine hospital and told them I was on my way. We arrived 40 minutes later, her water had broken. They checked her and ran her straight into the surgery room, half hour later they finally got the little black and white pinto colt out. The mare had a uterine infection that had caused the placenta to release from the uterus prematurely which had caused the death of the foal in-utero. Because the foal was dead he was not positioned for delivery. Dreamer should be ok. They need to clear up the infection but they said there is no reason why she couldn't be bred again. I'm lucky in that we have a facility so close. I have found it better to not fool around and call my vet and let too much time go by, but just load them up when there is a problem that I can't handle and get them to the hospital as fast as possible. It has saved a few mares reproductive abilities and even a foal that they were able to deliver alive. This just isn't the way to start out our foaling season. I got one I'm watching on the monitor, she's three days past due. A prayer for Dreamers speedy recovery would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.