Just wanted to say how sorry I am for the loss of your filly. I will be praying for a full and speedy recovery for Ruby. Your in my thoughts and prayers. God speed little one.
I was glad to be there for moral support (the vet arrived just before we did). The vet was great. Kris, her husband and mom are wonderful caring people. The lost filly was beautiful. A hind foot foward then hip lock is a difficult one to deal with. Ruby was a champ about it all. Glad to hear Dr. George will be out to take care of the placenta.
Such caring people! I'm glad to have met you in person although not of the best circumstances. Ruby is in our thoughts as are you, Kris and your family. Anytime we can be of help just call
Dr George just left, he said the placenta is hard he did some stuff in a bottle with a tube, she is so swollen I feel so bad for my girl. But she didnt move an inch for him sticking his arm up there feeling around. He didnt feel any tears, and something else that was good too.
She just got more Banamine, and a penicillin and another shot I forgot the other shot. She has to get the penicillin and banamine again tonight, and then in the am + the other shot i cant remember what it is. We got her knoted up to help with gravity. I am hoping this doesnt lead to founder, and or worse things. Dr George said he could feel her bowels, but the poor girl is so sore and swollen
I will never be so happy as for a horse to poop.
So please keep those prayers coming they really are working because shes still here right now.
I am so very sorry for your loss, Praying for your little mare that she comes out of this horrible situation just fine, prayers going out to you and your mare.
So sorry you had such a hard night. Friends of ours had this happen to a mare. They drove 1 1/2 hours in the wee hours of morning to a clinic with the foal still alive. The vet couldn't get it out so finally had to disect it then still couldn't remove it all. In the end they lost the mare too.
Tales like this sure make me think that breeding is not for the faint of heart!
I'm so sorry for the nightmare you went through. I absolutely can't imagine not being able to get a Vet? Thats just crazy. I am praying for your mare to recover quickly, and I sure hope you never have to go through anything like that again!
Tammie from C-Spots, you're an amazing human being to run to her aid! God Bless you too!
I am so, so sorry. I'm literally crying for you, your mare, and Snow Angel.
I lost my foal last year, and my mare is also named Ruby. Ruby had no foaling problems, Boston ("long" story about how he got his name) was dead before she even went into labor. She had an infection in her uterus and had to have several flushes, I know how scared I was for her, so I know what you are going through. *hug* Ruby and you are in my prayers!!!
What a nightmare, so sorry for your loss - and saying a prayer for your mare. She's come this far, she must be a fighter. We had a very similar situation last year, hip locked/hind leg forward and the foal almost halfway out, lost a gorgeous colt when we couldn't get him out. We are fortunate enough to have several wonderful vets in the area but he still couldn't get here fast enough to save that one for us. The mare - a maiden - did survive and is due again in the next few weeks, bred to Affirmed Royalty who produces small babies.
We did have a fetotomy years ago.......eeek can't imagine doing that myself!
[SIZE=12pt]I am so, so sorry and hope Ruby is resting more confortably and recovering now. [/SIZE]
We have had a foal present with a hind leg forward that then hiplocked. Very luckily I had JUST read about resolving this in THE COMPLETE BOOK OF FOALING. Also luckily this was a senior, 33.5" mare with lots of room to work. She was home raised too, so she relaxed and just let me work and we got the foal out with a hearbeat and were able to get him breathing. This type of presentation is a nightmare and almost never has a happy ending
I'm glad you finally found a vet that could and WOULD help you. I too would have been a mess that SO many vets just couldn't or wouldn't help. I think you have been blessed to find such a great new vet...
Kris, I am happy to hear your little mare is still with you this morning. Yes, she will be VERY sore, and VERY swollen for several days. Just to prepare you for what MAY happen, I want to share this with you.
A few years back I had a mare with a terrible dystocia. She had several vets and assitants all "in there" and pulling, trying to reposition etc. The foal was in a sitting dog position and they were grabbing one front and one back foot and pulling as hard as they could, thinking they had 2 front feet. That mare was only 28.5" and went through sheer heck. She was soooo swolled in her entire back end nothing looked at all normal. She could not poop, and had trouble peeing too. She would lay flat out on her side and kind of shake and push just like as if in labour, trying to get it out. It was so sad to watch. Peeing was also very hard for her. She also seemed to have temporary nerve damage that caused her to walk very wide legged in the back end for several weeks.
Wishing you continued success with Ruby. Good Luck.
i have just read through this entire thread and wanted to express my deepest sympathy for the loss of your little one. i can't imagine having to go through something like this. you and ruby will be in my prayers. i will anxiously await good news!